Similarities Between Humans And Animals In The Hunger Games

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Humans and animals are two different things, although equal to one. Humans are human beings where animals are living organism, which is been looked after by humans that feed on organic matter. In reference to Suzanne Collins’ ‘The Hunger Games’, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Charles Darwin, highlights the way that humans and animals are different although humans and animals should be an equal and interconnectedness.
The Hunger Games (2009), reveals the theme of inequality, through two groups of the District, being poor which they are treated inequality like animals, whereas the Capitol being the rich family which they are treated more equality. The inequality between the two groups presents the way humans are treated, some people in the district- …show more content…

This quote presents the way how humans and animals are treated in The Hunger Games, where they are struggling to survive. Throughout the film, The Hunger Games presents the themes of inequality, which this depicts the relationship between people in the film, where the community is split into two groups. The relationship between the people is seen through the use of colour and tones in the scenes, this is displayed through the use of light and dark colours in scenes where the group two groups are split in. The two groups are controlled by the government, which Rousseau and The Hunger Games, both share the political views of the government taking control of them. This present how each group are treated inequality, where they are needed to be taken control of, which animals and humans come to place, that animals need to be looked after by humans in order to survive and live. Therefore, humans are treated like animals, and animals are treated even worse which they are treated to a point, where they

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