Plate Tectonics: The Causes Of The Earth

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Plate Tectonics Plate tectonics is the manner of which the Earth’s lithosphere moves around. The weakness of the Earth’s upper mantle allows the Earth’s lithosphere to move. The lithosphere is not a single unit, it is broken down into a series of plates. The result of plate tectonics movements result in large catastrophes and natural disasters. Why do plate tectonics move ? The mantle of the Earth is very weak so, the rigid structures of the lithosphere move around easily. Tectonic plates move easily over the mantle because, they are just floating there. The heat of the Earth causes the magma in the liquid mantle to expand and move. The heating and moving of magma causes the tectonic plates to move. The plates move in a pattern called a …show more content…

Earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanos have all caused significant damage to the Earth and the people of it. Earthquakes can cause huge buildings to crumble, the ground to subside, flooding when a dam/ levee breaks, and fires caused by broken gas lines. People can be crushed by huge buildings collapsing, drowning from the flood caused by the broken levee or dam, getting buried under a landslide, or even getting burned alive by a fire from a broken gas line. Tsunamis can cause major flooding, a great number of casualties, and the total destruction of houses of buildings. People die from drowning, collapsing buildings, electrocution from power outlets, diseases, and explosions of gas from damaged tanks and other floating debris. Lastly, volcanoes can also cause large amounts of damage. Volcanoes cause; earthquakes, mudslides, fast floods, rock falls, and huge amounts of ash to be discharged. Houses, buildings, roads, and fields can collapse when covered with hot ash. Harmful gasses that are emitted from a volcano can get into your respiratory system and make it hard for you to breathe, causing death. Cities and towns are destroyed by mudslides, ash, and the earthquakes caused by a volcanic eruption. When plate tectonics move they cause all of these terrible things. The number of casualties are constantly rising because of these natural disasters and their effects on

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