Essay On Dr Greer

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Dr. Jennifer Greer need not verbally utter any detail regarding the extent of her success in journalism. By simply taking a look around her office in the Journalism Department at the University of Alabama, one can resolve that Dr. Greer’s journalism career has been nothing short of admirable. Adorning the walls of her fourth floor office, various plaques and certificates give undeniable evidence of Dr. Greer’s commendable success. Beginning with her Bachelor of Journalism degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia and continuing on to her Ph.D. from the University of Florida, Dr. Greer has achieved a long list of accomplishments, especially in the field of journalism. In fact, Dr. Greer has spent the majority of her life successfully …show more content…

Dr. Greer, however, found her passion for journalism long before taking any journalism-related classes. “I, along with a friend, produced a magazine for the neighborhood when I was 8 years old,” says Greer as a brief expression of nostalgia flickers across her face. Greer remembers, “I always watched the show about Lou Grant’s newspaper, and I thought the news room looked like fun.” Dr. Greer says that the appearance of the day-to-day, chaotic, exciting newspaper business inspired her to create, by hand, a newsletter of her own which she delivered to the neighborhood families. By the time Dr. Greer had entered middle school, her writing skills were superior to others her age. “In the fifth grade, I wrote an essay about why I wanted to be a journalist,” Dr. Greer explains. “My teacher commented on how good I could write and encouraged me to follow my dreams.” Dr. Greer accredits this teacher to having a major impact on her decision to continue upon the pathway towards a journalism …show more content…

Greer tells such a compelling story of learning the field of journalism, I find myself learning alongside her account. By noticing intricate details and advice given by Dr. Greer during the telling of her story, I strengthen my own learning experience in the field of journalism. Clearly, Dr. Greer has told this story to other aspiring journalists before me. The ease with which Dr. Greer explains her learning experience suggests that she tells this story on many occasions. The fact that Dr. Greer tells her story so often serves as another indicator of her success. A frequently told story usually implies that the story’s subject is one of

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