Objective Truth Vs Subjective Truth

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If there are certain physical and immaterial things in the world, and human understanding is only capable of a finite amount of reasoning and knowledge, then anything real is a set of objective truths independent of our understanding. In the first half of this premise, it states that there are certain physical an immaterial things in this world; this encompasses objects such as grass and houses with affections for others among other unquantifiable things. The second premise makes a quantifiable statement that the human brain can only handle so much reason and knowledge, which is only reasonable. By stating that there and physical and immaterial things in this world and there is only a certain amount of things that humans are able to understand, …show more content…

The objective truth is a reality that cannot be argued independent of time, and the subjective truth is humanity 's understanding of reality dependent on time. In the first premise, it states that truth is what is real; this is a fact because anything that is real in life cannot be disputed therefore it is truth. Human understanding of truth on the other hand, changes over time. It is because of this that truth is two things, objective and subjective. Objective truth is something that cannot be disputed, it is a worldly truth that will never be argued because there is an absolute answer for it. Subjective truth is human’s understanding of a non-provable truth dependent on time. This reasoning is dependent on time due to technological and scientific advances that come with increasing years. For example, eight hundred years ago, it was a subjective truth that the world was flat, but as the years progressed, it was disproved through technology and science. It is due to objective truth being much less common, there are not many things that cannot be disputed in our real world, that subjective truth is the most widely spread thing in today’s world. This syllogism is cogent because it takes into account every perspective of what truth is, was, and will be in the future, maintaining all objective truths that are independent of time. This is in accordance with my …show more content…

In premise one, it states that humans are the only things that are able to do anything outside the necessary; this is an accurate statement in that we consciously have a choice and are able to weight outcomes based on those different choices. This is true in the fact that humans are able to decipher what will happen in optional scenarios, which enables humans to make the choice to act in a way that will potentially positively influence or effect reality. This argument is cogent because it takes into account all of the other options in any given scenario and does away with them. This argument is consistent with my own beliefs because I do truly believe that if you always put yourself in the most optimal position, it will be easy to make a choice that has the potential to positively affect the

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