Student and Teacher Plagiarism

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Plagiarism is pervasive in all facets of today’s society. It is a shame, as most people have seemed to fault the children and or technology and failed to look at those that the students should emulate. “In one school district in Atlanta, at least 178 teachers and principals were implicated in a widespread falsification of student test scores.” (Beckett, 2011) When plagiarism is found at the top, it is hard to trust anyone, let alone a classmate. “The number of reports of teacher cheating has increased from 69 three years ago to 263 in the past year, she said.” (Beckett, 2011) This trend is as important a data point as student plagiarism is. “Further, an overwhelming majority — 89 percent — say computers and the Internet have played a major role in the rise in stealing others work and claiming it as their own.” (Webley, 2011) This appears to be a valid correlation; however, technology also has made things simpler. I remember a time when I had to go to the library and search through microfiche to research things; this did not hinder my ability to write down verbatim the information whi...

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