Stress is Necessary

609 Words2 Pages

Stress doesn’t come from now where! Every thing in life has cause and effect. That’s

the nature of life. In our modern life we start to hear the world (stress) a lot. When I asked

my grandpa about it, his expression was blank as if he didn’t know what I’m talking about.

I think it been commonly used nowadays because the fast rhythm of life that pushes people

to fight with time to keep up with the flow. Stress affects our life in different ways and

levels the highest is the worst. It has a negative thoughts and feelings on people. People do

not experience to stress to same level. It’s important to understand the stress among the

student. Some students find education as “challenging” issue. They feel lost and hopeless.

It will be critical issue if its start to effects on learning. A file study and laboratory test

supports the notion that excessive stress is harmful to students’ performance. But some of it

is good to challenge student to study. They perform badly under stress like over studying

for exam or over rushing for answers. Stress sym...

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