The Strengths Perspective & How It Relates to In Home Provision of Older Adults

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During my practicum and work experience there has been a population that has stood out to me and has become the area in which I would like to focus my attention on. This is the ever growing population of older adults in our country. First, I will define why I am so interested in this area of practice: the strengths older adults posses as well as some general issues experienced by older adults. After that, I will discuss the strengths perspective and how it relates to in home service provision of older adults. Finally, I will discuss state and national advocacy that is taking place to keep older adults living in the community. Older Adults I have long been fascinated hearing stories as a young adolescent from my grandmother who grew up selling milk door to door during the depression or from my father who was a mechanic on B-52 bombers during the Vietnam War. Hearing these stories has taught me so much of how valuable this generation is and what they have to offer today to the rest of society. As a result of these experiences throughout my life, I have always felt very comfortable engaging and working with older adults. In addition to my comfort level, I have developed strong interests in areas associated with aging such as how to keep older adults living in their home as long as possible, and helping a family deal with end of life issues. Strengths of Older Adults The fact that my grandmother and other men and women like her survived such a hard period of life really speaks to me in many ways. First it speaks to the resiliency that they have as a group. This resiliency applies not only to adults that survived the depression, but to older adults in any ethnicity, race, or socio economic class. In addition to havi... ... middle of paper ... ...lder Clients‘ Strengths. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 34(4), 7-30 Nelson-Becker, H., Chapin, R., Fast, B. (2006). The Strengths Perspective Older Adults: Critical Practice Componets. In D. Saleebey (Eds.), The Strengths Perspective in Social Work Practice Forth Edition (pp 148-170). Boston. Pearson Publishing. Project 2020 (2009). Building on the Promise of Home and Community-Based Services. Retrieved June 9, 2010 from Saleeby D. (1996). The Strengths Perspective in Social Work: Extensions and Cautions. ProQuest Nursing Journal, 41(3), 296-305 Nelson-Becker, H., Chapin, R., Fast, B. (2006). The Strengths Perspective Older Adults: Critical Practice Componets. In D. Saleebey (Eds.), The Strengths Perspective in Social Work Practice Forth Edition (pp 148-170). Boston. Pearson Publishing.

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