Stem Cell Research Controversy

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The controversy over stem cell research’s use in the medical field is almost two decades old. So why the sudden intense return of fierce political debates over an old issue? It’s because President Obama recently revoked the ban on stem cell research, as he believes it holds the potential to revolutionize the medical industry in the years to come. As USA Today quoted him saying in March, after he stopped restricting federal funding for stem cell research, "At this moment, the full promise of stem cell research remains unknown and should not be overstated. Scientists believe these tiny cells may have the potential to help us understand, and possibly cure, some of our most devastating diseases and conditions."

The body's master cells are the stem cells. The best stem cells are found in a relatively young embryo. Unlike “normal” body cells, they reproduce indefinitely and turn into any other type of human cell. It is easy to see why scientists were ecstatic at the discovery of this natural marvel.

Pro-life advocates are taking a particularly solid opposing stance against this new branch of research. Some pro-life advocates have even gone so far as to label it worse than abortion. The problem isn’t the research itself, but the methods it utilizes; for example, the dissecting, manipulating, and controversial tampering of human embryonic stem cells. Pro-life advocates believe, like the creator of this cartoon, that stem cell research is just another method to destroy infantile human life.

Scientists who advocate this line of research cite two major medical institutions that operate similar to theirs: fertility clinics and abortion clinics. They remind opponents that an abortion clinics would just throw out the embryos, as the foll...

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...Stem Cell Progress -" News, Travel, Weather, Entertainment, Sports, Technology, U.S. & World - USA Today, 20 May 2009. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. .

Kinsley, Michael. "The False Controversy of Stem Cells - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - 2011 Time Inc., 23 May 2004. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. <.>

Pareja-Lecaros, Alberto. "Youth Politics» Stem Cell Research – Killing Lives To Save Lives?" Youth Politics» Youth Politics. Technorati, 08 Mar. 2009. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. .

Jha, Alok. "Look, No Embryos! The Future of Ethical Stem Cells | Discover | Science | The Observer." Latest News, Comment and Reviews from the Guardian | The Observer, 13 Mar. 2011. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. .

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