State Tests Required for High School Graduation

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State tests have existed as a main subject is high school for many years now. It

almost all schools today students must pass these tests to graduate from high school. These tests

are a very controversial topic, many pros and cons go along with the subject of state test. Some

people believe that these tests help with students' education, and they should have to pass these

tests to graduate from high school; others disagree and think these tests just cause more stress for

students. Students spend their time in high school learning more about taking state tests when

they could use more of their time learning skills that would aid them in their future life.

However, a few positive aspects of these tests do exist. There are some people that view

state tests as a way to compare students on how well they are learning or studying for these tests.

It is said that students tests scores from all over can be compared to see how they are all doing

and who may be doing better. Once these scores have been compared, all of the different school’s

scores can be averaged and these averages can be put together to see which schools are having

the most success. The schools with the highest success rate of scores on these tests can then be

rewarded for their work (Standardized Tests 1).

Another advantage of state tests has to do with the teachers of the state tests subjects.

The teachers who teach these classes often refer to this as “teaching to the test.” This basically

means that these teachers have more of a guide to what they must teach these students. They

always know what these students will need to know for these tests. These teachers have to prepare to supply all the material to the students that they will ne...

... middle of paper ...

...uation requirements should not require students to pass state tests.

Works Cited

Meador, Derrick. "Standardized Testing." Teaching. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2014.

Panden, Kundan. “Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing.”, 26

Sept. 2011. Web. 21 Jan. 2014.

"Standardized Tests -" ProConorg Headlines. N.p., 05 Feb. 2014. Web.26 Feb. 2014

Paul, Annie Murphy. “Relax, It’s Only A Test.” Time 181.5 (2013): 42. Middle Search Plus. Web. 20 Feb. 2014

Margie, . N.p.. Web. 28 Feb 2014. .
Whitney, Sue. "Getting Help for Children Who Have Reading Problems by Sue Whitney, Research Editor Wrightslaw." Getting Help for Children Who Have Reading Problems by Suzanne Whitney. Wrightslaw, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.

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