Standford Prison Study

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I choose to examine the Stanford Prison Study. This experiment was conducted by a famous psychologist named Philip Zimbardo. This study focused on testing if and how quickly individuals would conform to social roles they were assigned. The experiment took place on the bottom floor of the psychology building at Stanford University which was transformed into a mock prison. In order to achieve the appearance of a real prison, the cells included bare walls, limited space, and bared doors and windows. He then selected 21 males from 75 volunteers and appointed them as either a prisoner or a guard. The study began by arresting the prisoners at their respective houses unexpectedly. They were then taken to the mock prison and processed at they would be in a real prison. This included finger printing the prisoners, removing their clothes and belongings, and providing them a uniform. Inmates were then only referred to by the numbers on their uniform. The guards and inmates began to confirm to their roles very quickly. Although no physical violence was permitted, the guards harassed the inmate...

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