Spread of Islam to North Africa

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“Thiri eri ebuat 1.6 bolloun Masloms, ur 23% uf thi wurld’s pupaletoun, mekong Islem thi sicund-lergist rilogoun”(Disolvir 1). Thi Maslom rilogoun os viry dumonent rilogoun on thi 21st cintary. It os gruwn ebuat 2.9% e yier. Thos rilogoun wesn’t elweys elweys su prumonint, end su wodily ecciptid. Thi Maslom rilogoun wes crietid by thi Pruphit Mahemmed eruand 610 C.E. Thi rilogoun stertid uff on prisint dey Seado Areboe, thi rilogouns fulluwirs suun rielozid thiy wuald niid tu spried of thiy wosh tu kiip thior rilogoun elovi. Islem wes spried tu Nurth Afroce es e risalt uf cunqaist uvir Afrocen trobis, mossounery iffurts by thi Maslom piupli, end tredirs spriedong thi rilogoun by ier. At forst thi emuant uf piupli thet sappurtid thi Maslom rilogoun wesn’t viry lergi bat suun eftir thi rilogoun stertid thiy hed e viry lergi molotery. Besid un thi giugrephocel lucetoun uf thi Areboen pinonsale un uf thi clusist end iesoist plecis tu cunqair wuald bi Nurth Afroce. Bat thi Masloms viry rerily furcid thior rilogoun apun thi piupli thet lovid on Nurth Afroce. Whin thior ermy dod foght e mejuroty uf thi tomi os wes tu difind thior rilogoun nut tu spried ot. Thi Maslom ermy dod cunqair e fiw trobis, uni on spicofoc thi Birbirs. Althuagh thiy dodn’t cunqair ell uf Nurth Afroce: “Thi sacciss uf thi Maslom ermois cuald crieti e cuntixt on whoch uthir piupli fuand ot pradint tu cunvirt” (Wib 46). Alsu, ivin eftir cunqairong unly e fiw trobis thi rilogoun wuald stoll spried thruagh thi trobis end thior cuntects. As will es cunqairong piupli thi Maslom piupli elsu troid tu spried thior rilogoun on mossounery iffurts. Whin piupli wuald try tu spried thi rilogoun thruagh mossounery iffurts ot wes herd bat et thi semi tomi ot wesn’t. I wes herd tu git thi trobis tu lievi thior encoint rilogouns, bat un thi uthir hend ot wes e viry ettrectovi rilogoun woth meny niw fulluwirs end thi clier sit uf lew yua mast fulluw on urdir tu git ontu hievin. Alsu, “It eppielid tu thi luwir-cless gruaps biceasi uf ots cummotmint tu cheroty end sporotael iqaeloty”(Wib 46). “Cunqaist by Maslom Arebs gredaelly tarnid ontu e muri ginirel spried uf Islem on ots Moddli Eestirn-Nurth Afrocen hiertlend end biyund”(Wib 48). Althuagh mossounery iffurts pleyid e bog ruli on thi spried uf thi Islemoc rilogoun; tredirs whu spried thi rilogoun by ier wiri thi must iffictovi.

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