Speech on Healthy Eating Habits

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Topic: Healthy eating General purpose: To persuade Specific purpose: To persuade the audience to develop healthy eating habits Thesis: Changing your eating habits will change your life. Preview: First, I will address the root issue of many people’s eating habits, and then I will expand on how you can and why you should develop a healthier lifestyle. Organizational pattern: Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Introduction I) I am sure all of you have heard of the infamous “freshman fifteen.” a. I won’t ask who has gained this weight, but by a raise of hands, how many of you have thought to yourself, “Are my jeans getting tighter?” b. I’ll admit, I definitely felt like my clothes were shrinking. c. But, I did something about it. II) I’m here to tell you that changing your eating habits will change your life. III) First, I will address the root issue of many people’s eating habits, and then I will expand on why and how to develop a healthier lifestyle. Body I) The problem is that many people do not realize the enormous effect their eating habits have on their bodies. a. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, “despite the emphasis by nutritionists and other health professionals on the importance of fruit in a well-rounded healthy diet,” a survey taken during 1994-1996 revealed that “only 57.8 percent of people age 19 and younger ate fruits on a given day” (Fisher, 2004, p. 16). b. And what’s worse, although 78.3 percent of young individuals had eaten vegetables on a given day, nearly half of them preferred potatoes (Fisher, 2004, p. 16). 1. They’re not even green! c. People eat whatever’s available, especially if it’s cheap and/or convenient. i. As college students, for example, when we walk in to the Caf, there are so... ... middle of paper ... ...ard to do on my own. f. Now that you know what my situation was like going into the experiment, I will tell you what I did and what occurred as a result. i. Since I had to write a report on my findings, I took note of my weight in the morning of each day and of all the food that I ate throughout the day. ii. I kept a “food diary,” as people call it, but also took pictures of everything I ate so that I would also be aware of my portion sizes. 1. Doing so encouraged me to eat healthier food, such as more fruits and vegetables, as well as asking for smaller portions. iii. Within just eight days of the experimental research project, I regained, back control over my life! iv. I discovered that I appeared healthier, felt more energized, and was more confident about my self-esteem. 1. While it was not my goal to lose weight, it occurred as a result of my changing diet.

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