Special Education: Should Restraints or Seclusion Be Applied on Individuals with Disabilities

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Under the Steering Committee on the Enabling Masterplan, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has been recommended to hold the ownership and leadership of special education. (Poon, Shobana, & Wettasinghe, 2013) Enabling Masterplan 2012-2016 seeks to build an inclusive Singapore where every person with disability can maximize his potential and is embraced as an integral member of our society. This initiative builds on the Enabling Masterplan 2007-2011, where the government feels that there was some progress, but more could still be done in enabling people with disabilities to be equal and integral member of our society (Enabling Masterplan Handbook, 2012). Through the 3P namely People, Public, Private collaboration under the Enabling Masterplan, Singapore has penned down a significant milestone towards an inclusive society where people with disabilities are empowered to contribute to society through the signatory of the United Nations Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) on 30th November 2012 (NCSS, 2013). According to UN Enable (2012), in article 15, it is indicated that, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
Back in 1950s, apart from VWOs assisting people with disabilities, treatment and help for them were very limited, and mostly found in the hospital (Tan, 2009). In addition, children with intellectual disability either dropped out of the general education school system or were kept at home. Education for the children with intellectual disabilities began in 1970s (Lim, & Sang, 2000). In 1970s, services for students with mild disabilities both within MOE, and Ministry of Health was established and recognized. (Poon et al, 2013). Furthermore, few speci...

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...entions when caring for these individuals need to know the perception of their staff readiness in applying interventions in their school or special education settings.
While studies have begun to examine the use of restrictive practices among individuals with disabilities, there continues to be a need for studies that characterize the various factors that influence the perceptions on restrictive practices by educators in schools. In order to provide educators with a more defined and training procedures to use restrictive practices in their schools, the aims of the current study were to (a) document the perceptions towards restrictive practices, (b) identify key factors that influence the perception on restrictive practices among individuals with intellectual and developmental disability, and (c) reporting restrictive practices by educators in schools in Singapore.

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