Solutions to the Problem of Electronic Waste

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21 century-is the time when humanity has progressed in a field of technology. Intensive development and use of techniques has led to changes not only in economy but also in socio-political and spiritual spheres of social life. However, this progress has brought with itself devastating disasters like electronics waste which cause serious health and environment pollution problems.

E-waste- is a type of waste that contains obsolete or non-working electronic and electrical devices. Electronic waste can have a high level of danger because of contaminants like mercury, beryllium, cadmium, lead and brominated flame retardants discharging of which into environment may lead to formation of defeat and to pollution of surroundings. Methods of each country to solve this problem are different but, in general, the aim is to reduce negative environmental impacts through recycling and reuse. However, of these two alternatives, recycling is less environmentally beneficial than reuse. Consequently, reuse should be prioritized in order to reduce environmental risk.

Reuse-is the possibility to select parts of manufactured goods that may be exposed to treatment through determination of waste characteristics and extending the use of electronic products or their components. This superior option enables people to use obsolete equipment instead of discharging it. Consequently, this leads to support of optimal time of use of a particular product which is economically and environmentally appropriate. Reuse is not only environmentally and economically beneficial it also give an access to those who are unable to afford new electronic equipment like families with low income, schools and non-profit companies. Recent study sh...

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