Solubility Product Constant

490 Words1 Page

Solubility Product Constant

Objective: To determine in the laboratory the solubility constant

(Ksp) of Calcium Sulfate(CaSO4)

Materials and Instruments

* Burette

* Pipette

* Clamp

* Glass rod

* Digital balance

* Teflon stopper

* Stopcock

* Erlenmeyer flask

* Sheet of black paper

* 100mL Graduated cylinder

* 0.050 M CaCl2

* 0.050 M Na2SO4

* Distilled water


1. With the Molarity formulua, calculate how many gr of CaCl2 are

needed in order to form a 0.050 M CaCl2 solution with 500 mL of


2. Repeat the calculations with the right numbers for Na2SO4

3. Weight the compounds, separately, and get the amount you need

in order to prepare your solution

4. Prepare both solutions. Mix the indicated weight of each

compound with 500 mL of water. Use different flasks for each


5. With the graduated cylinder measure 100 mL of 0.050 CaCl2. Pour

solution into the flask.

6. Fill a clean, dry burette with 0.050 M Na2SO4. Drain burette

until no bubbles are left in the tip. Record the initial volume

of Na2SO4 of the burette in a data table

7. Lay a sheet of black paper beneath the burette, place the flask

with the CaCl2 solution on top

8. Add Na2SO4 to the flask from the burette and gently swirl the


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