Soft Computing Techniques Used in Engineering Fields

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Soft computing techniques are set of nature-inspired computational methodologies which consider the computational utility of architectures and algorithms inspired by nature and their applications for solving mathematical problems. These are basically stochastic search techniques and are computationally efficient as they possess the ability of implementing distributed computing. Unlike traditional hard computing techniques, these set of techniques have the ability to deal with partial and noisy sets of data, tolerance to initial impression and providing a robust solution with the requirement of minimal computing resources. Over last few decades soft computing methods have successfully been applied to solve many complex problems related to engineering fields. Dote and Ovaska [1] provided a comprehensive review on application of soft computing methodologies for solving complex industrial problems including its application to the aerospace industry, communications systems, consumer appliances, electric power systems, manufacturing automation and robotics, power electronics and motion control, process engineering, and transportation planning. Gao and Ovaska [2] made a review on applications of soft computing in motor fault diagnosis, Hajela [3] in multidisciplinary aerospace design, Flintsch and Chen [4] in infrastructure management, Nikravesh [5] in reservoir characterization, Avineri [6] in traffic and transport management systems, Oduguwa et al. [7] in manufacturing industry, Saridakis and Dentsoras [8] in engineering design which addresses issues such as, the design knowledge representation (modeling), the search for optimal solutions and the retrieval of pre-existing design knowledge and the learning of new knowledge, Chandraseka... ... middle of paper ... ...where fusion computation was performed. The final fusion decision was made by filtering the result with a threshold function, hence a refined structural damage assessment of superior reliability. For the demonstration of the process they used a numerical model of 7-degree of freedom building model. Again, Hakim and Razak [83] applied adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) for damage identification in steel girder bridges using experimental natural frequencies data. Further, Dash [84] developed fuzzy controller with Gaussian membership functions for multi-crack detection in beam structures. The changes in the natural frequencies and mode shapes due to crack as calculated from finite element simulation studies were fuzzified to construct fuzzy controller. They experimentally validated the feasibility of the method using a cantilever beam made up of aluminum.

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