Sociology: A Synthesis of Its Development

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Sociology is the systematic study of groups and builds human society and how these groups affect our lives. For Tim Curry Sociology studies the individual and social institutions that affect these individuals (Pg. 2) Social institutions are family, economy, education, and government. Sociology will study these institutions, their origin, preservation and processing (today the institution how is changing most is the family). They are the answer to survival and to endure.
Sociology will start by saying that humans are social beings that we continually create groups and social categories. We classify the environment (race, age, religion, social status, etc.). We are conditioned by the society in which we live. The way in which society sets and configured limits the opportunities of the individual. Sociology is concerned with the external forces of human behavior, and will focus on the behavior of a given moment in society. It will study humans constituted in groups. Sociology will help us to analyze and examine social problems, see the causes thereof and propose alternatives and solutions to those problems.
New ideas about society and social problems began in the mind of sociologies, and all these new thoughts arise from two revolutions: the French (political) and Industrial. Sociologies start to think in society by the convulsion causing both revolutions. Callinicos, Alex write “The years between 1789 1nd 1848 have been called the epoch of the “dual revolution” Politically, there was the French revolution of 1879; economically, there was the industrial revolution”. (Pg. 38) Bothe revolutions be the bases for the outbreak of the new ideas. It involves a total change where society, their order and operating were questioned. There is ...

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...rds where work is most important” (Pg. 10)

Works Cited

Callinicos, Alex. The Revolutionary Ideas Of Karl Marx. Chicago, Ill: Haymarket Books, 2011. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 30 Mar. 2014.
Curry, Tim, Jiobu Robert, & Schwirian Kent. Sociology for the Twenty - First Century. Upper
Saddle River, N.J: Pearson/Prentice Hall. 2008. Print
Deflem, Mathieu. "The Structural Transformation Of Sociology." Society 50.2 (2013): 156-166.
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Denis, Ann B., and Devorah Kalekin-Fishman. The Shape Of Sociology For The 21St Century :
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Kalberg, Stephen. Max Weber's Comparative-Historical Sociology Today : Major Themes,
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