Sociological Effect of Video Games

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BODY I. Physiological Physiology is the study of how the body and it parts function (Marieb, 2004). It has been found out in many medical researches that the human body is greatly affected when exposed to excessive amounts of video game playing. These effects can either be both beneficial and detrimental. Excessive use of video games has been linked to many illnesses. These claims have been supported by many medical journals and studies. Moreover, when an enormous amount of time is given to video games it can eventually lead to certain medical conditions such as certain nerve and brain conditions and pain. Whenever there are prolonged uses, incorrect position of computer screen and improper lighting can lead to eye strain which causes computer vision syndrome (CVS) (American Optometric Association). Similarly, when a person experiences CVS there are associated symptoms which are blurred vision, dry eyes, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, redness, and irritation of the eyes. Although it cannot cause any serious permanent damage, it can still cause a considerable amount of discomfort for the user. Headaches happen when there is a continuous pain in the cranial area (Huether, 2004). Moreover, headaches happen when the nerve endings in the brain detect pain. Usually the pain can originate from the nerves and muscles of the head and neck and also from the meninges or the covering of the brain. Frequent bouts of headaches can lead to lack of concentration due to the pain which can impede in productivity in the work place and also academically. Carpal tunnel syndrome is experienced when there is a compression happening in the median nerve (a nerve that courses through the forearm to the wrist) (Huether, 2004). This illness can o... ... middle of paper ... ...performance. Data gathered from the experiments have suggested that there is a direct relationship between the numbers of hours to which a gamer plays and his or her grades, where the more one is exposed to video games they perform poorly on during school. This may be due to the fact that some players would skip homework to satisfy their need to play games. It is because of this addiction that they would prefer to favor the game than their own academics. As a player begins to have an attachment to a game, the thought of playing it occurs more often. As said above, it is the competitiveness, sociability, and the atmosphere given by that video game possesses encouragement towards players to become more dependent to it. This addiction will cause the player to become obsessed in the game and would eventually extricate themselves from friends, family and school.

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