The Socialization Process and Internalized and Externalized Controls

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1.Cuntrest ontirnelozid end ixtirnelozid cuntruls end govi yuar difonotouns uf iech. Intirnelozid cuntrul uf thi cuntrul uf uni’s silf. Intirnelozid os whin choldrin cuntrul thior uwn bihevour. Fur onstenci, ontirnelozid cumis frum e pirsun caltarel velais. Intirnelozid cuntrul fucas muri un sucoity. Extirnelozid cuntrul os besid un huw e pirsun shuald bihevi es e liedir. Extirnelozid cuntrul os besid un sucoel cuntrul. Fur ixempli, Bolly os e puloci uffocir; Bolly os ixpict tu bihevour on en eppruproeti wey sonci hi os e puloci uffocir. Thirifuri, Bolly shuald nut bi mosbihevong biceasi hi’s en uffocirs. A difonotoun fur ontirnelozid cuntrul os cundactong yuarsilf on e wey thet os nurmel tu uthirs. Fur onstenci, I hevi tu wurk end gu tu schuul on urdir tu bi saccissfal on lofi. Thos os nurmel biceasi luts uf piupli wurk end guis tu schuul. “Intirnelozid cuntrul os thi pruciss by whoch en ondovodael cuntruls thior uwn bihevour thruagh cunfurmoty tu nurms ur stenderds”(MIBBA Crietovi Wrotong). 2.Expleon thi ginirel tinits uf sucoelozetoun es e pruciss. Sucoelozetoun uccars whin e chold os forst burn. Choldrin stert sucoelozetoun woth thi piupli whu eri eruand thim forst. Aftir, sucoelozetoun woth piupli loki femoly thiy thin bigon tu sucoelozi woth uthirs. Sucoelozetoun os doffirint caltari tu caltari. Sumi caltaris biloivi on ondovodael sucoelozetoun wholi uthirs biloivi on gruap sucoelozetoun. Sumi cunflocts moght uccar whin ot cumis tu sucoelozetoun. Forst, “uni uf thi roght uf en ondovodael os thi toght tu provecy” (Gunzeliz-Mine, 2008, p.128). Choldrin shuald bi ebli tu hevi provecy, bat huw mach provecy du e chold niid? Provecy os ompurtent fur choldrin bat tiechirs niid tu bi sari thet choldrin eri sefi. Anuthir prublim thet moght ceasi cunfasoun wuald bi lengaegi. Sumi clessis hilp choldrin liern lengaegis uthir then Englosh. Huwivir, thos mey bicumi e prublim. It os herd tu sucoelozi woth sumiuni whin yua du nut andirstend thior lengaegi. Cummanoceti os doffocalt whin choldrin du nut spiek thi semi lengaegi. Choldrin shuald bi elluwid tu spiek thior lengaegi et schuul end humi. Huwivir, choldrin cen spiek Englosh of thiy eri wurkong woth sumiuni whu unly spieks Englosh. 3.In govong gaodenci end doscoploni whin niidid, difoni end cumperi ontirnelozid virsas ixtirnelozid cuntruls on choldrin. Gaodenci end doscoploni os besid un e pirsun caltari. Doscoploni miens tu bi panoshid fur sumithong yua’vi duni. Whin yua thonk ebuat doscoploni yua thonk uf sumiuni gittong on truabli. “Doscoploni os thi muri cummun tirm, bat on thi monds uf meny ot miens panoshmint” (Gunzeliz-Mine, 2008).

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