Social Injustices and Violations or Rights in Universities

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As an Iranian American, I have seen the benefit of freedom and the obstruction caused by oppression. I come from a country where basic rights are not only ignored, but are further suppressed through female dress code and various other arbitrary mandates. Living in America, I have seen no such injustice. Which is why, that when I hear there are places in the United States where some rights are not recognized. I feel troubled, and as if such institutions threaten the sanctity of our principals and ideologies. Therefore, I believe that the freedoms granted to us by the constitution should be universal and sanctioned by all entities within our borders.
It is my view that institutions which do not respect each student’s basic constitutional rights may greatly hinder the education being pursued. For instance, a law student may find interest in campus rules but avoid debate or even examination of such rules, due to the threat of repercussion for doing so. Or perhaps, a student journalist may editorialize or avoid reporting on occurrences which portray the administration negatively.
These examples represent students all across the country, who strive to achieve academic excellence by the means allotted to them. There is no question that students require full discretion to practice their newly learned skills. Practice that they hope will one day yield expertise in the field of their study.
Recognition of individual rights is quintessential for academic integrity and progression to flourish. However, campuses across the country do not feel that such respect is warranted. For instance, Valdosta State University in Georgia attempted to muzzle student activist Hayden Barnes for his opposition of a forty million dollar parking garage. Mr. Bar...

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... distinction to the shopping mall across the street. Or even the sidewalk bordering the campus. It did not occur to me that as a student enrolled in a university, I must follow rules which may not coincide with my beliefs. Furthermore, it did not occur to me that conformity and ideological acceptance were the pillars of higher education institutions. And that freedom and independence were to take a backseat if I was to get a college degree.
Public and private institutions must uphold all rights and freedoms according to the Constitution to form an equilibrium, keeping our students safe, independent, and able to pursue their own form of the American dream. When such institutions do not meet standards for freedom and self-expression, they subsequently undermine the prospect of transcendence. And therefore do not comply with the wishes or values of their student body.

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