Social Context and Child Development

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Children develop at different paces and reach major milestones as they develop throughout their early years and as they continue to grow until adulthood. During child development, young children develop physical skills, social skills, and communication skills. Social interactions are essential in the process of child development. Social interactions permit young children to engage in activities such as play which enhances their fine and gross motor skills and develop their self-regulation. As children develop physically and mentally, they engage in social activities enabling them to interact with their surroundings. Interacting with the environment allows children to explore their surroundings and develop their cognitive skills to later learn that each individual has their own beliefs. They manipulate objects which improve problem solving and fine motor skills which allows children to engage in social activities. They engaged in group activities to learn new information and assist others complete a task which contributes to child development. Infants develop a relationship with adults early, through their relationship they form a connection which allows them to interact socially with their parents and other adults. They interact socially with others by crying and smiling to inform others of their desires. Child development is associated with social interactions because children continue to develop in each area which allows them to achieve their goals. Piaget’s stages of development coincide with social interactions; he believes children learn best when interacting with their surroundings (Davison, 2006). The correlation between child development and social interactions is that they both occur in stages during child development ... ... middle of paper ... ...all children do not have the same race by age 4; they can differentiate between blacks and whites (Siegler & Alibali, 2005). Conclusion According to Siegler & Alibali (2005), social relationships have a profound effect on what children do, on what they think about, and on how they think. Adults guide young children during child development; they engage them in activities to enhance their social development such as play, meaningful conversation, and collaborative learning. This allows adults to guide children to show them appropriate and inappropriate behavior, broaden the vocabulary, and learn new concepts from other individuals. Children learn that other individuals may have a different routine for completing a task or achieving a goal. Social skills allow children to interact with other individuals with different customs without forming a bias opinion.

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