Social and Health Problems in Kuwait

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As of today, there are many social and health problems in Kuwait. Even though, it is a country that is financially and economically stable, there are several problems. If you ask a random person about the problems in Kuwait, he/she would probably not know. ADD ADD or Attention Deflect Disorder is the problem of being overly hyper and not being able to focus for a long period of time (ATTENTION Deflect Disorder, ADAM). People with ADD usually day dream too much and act impulsively. They also fidget a lot, and that helps them think ( ADD, Melinda Smith). An adult or child with ADD constantly faces challenges in everyday life: i) Really poor time management skills, which affects their education, balance and relationships with other people. For example, a person with ADD is more likely to be late to meeting, hence they’re change of getting fires is more likely (Adult ADD, Katelyn, Nadeau). ii) Disorganization; Aside from organizing their time schedule, people with ADD have a hard time with finding what they want. Due to they’re overlapping thoughts, it becomes easy for them to forget where they placed their things (Adult ADD, Katelyn, Nadeau). iii) They tend to forget a lot. This ties to the second challenge, and is again caused by their overlapping thoughts (Adult ADD, Katelyn, Nadeau). iv) In consistence. People with ADD tend to thing in chains. One idea leads to another, and another and another…That is why most of them seem really philosophical and deep. However, that is one perk. Their lives are actually greatly affected by their ‘’thought chains’’. Because they’re thoughts travel to a really deep level, they forget their main point, or the root of the thought, and they move on to another thought that was led by the root though... ... middle of paper ... ...n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2014. . "Attention Deficit Disorder Association." Attention Deficit Disorder Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2014. . Garicia, Ben. "Kuwait's Attitude towards ADHD Changes Positively." Arab times. Soor Center Kuwait, 2012. Web. 04 Feb. 2014. . Nadeau, Kathleen. "Home Help Adults." ADDvance. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2014. . Galves, Albert. "Debunking the Science Behind ADHD as a "Brain Disorder", ByAlbert Galves, Ph.D. & David D. Walker, Ph.D." Debunking the Science Behind ADHD as a "Brain Disorder", ByAlbert Galves, Ph.D. & David D. Walker, Ph.D. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2014. .

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