Sleep is a Vital Part of Life

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Sleep is a part of daily routine that is vital for a person to be able to function adequately throughout the day. Without a sufficient amount of sleep, or problems during sleep, a person could have a tougher time trying to focus and operate throughout the course of the day. There are two major categories of sleep disorders: dyssomnias and parasomnias.

• Dyssomnia is more focused on conflicts when trying to sleep or staying up. It could be instances such as waking up throughout the night, suddenly falling asleep during the day, or failing to breathe for a moment when sleeping. There are different variations of dyssomnia: o Insomnia is the most frequent form of dyssomnia there is. It is when a person has trouble trying to sleep, wakes up throughout the night, or wakes up too early in the morning. Different causes of insomnia can be stress or anxiety before bed, or something as simple as not being in a comfortable setting to sleep in. More serious cases are typically categorized with other medical or mental disorders. Treatments for insomnia are generally prescription medications such as Xanax or Lunesta for short-term use. o Another more serious form of dyssomnia is narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is when a person feels the unexpected need to sleep throughout the normal times to be awake during the day. People that suffer from narcolepsy normally experience falling asleep suddenly while being active while like walking or driving, extreme muscle weakness or the inability to move at all during an attack. The exact causes or treatments for narcolepsy are unknown, except that taking a long nap during the day or taking antidepressants could lessen the occurrences of sudden attacks. o One more serious form of dyssomnia is sleep apnea. It is characterized by failing to breathe momentarily while sleeping, and then breathe sharply to catch their breath back. The causes of sleep apnea can be blocked airway passages or the brain failing to send signals to the diaphragm. There are a number of treatments for sleep apnea such as exercising and losing and maintain weight if necessary, avoiding drinking alcohol, sleeping on the side of the body or using machines to keep the airway open.
Parasomnia is the other major aspect of sleep disorders. It has to do with unusual disturbances during sleep rather than conflicts trying to sleep or staying up. o Nightmares and night terrors are two forms of parasomnias. Nightmares normally ensue more towards the end of the sleep cycle whereas night terrors occur earlier in the sleep cycle.

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