Slavery in Sudan

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Slavery predates writing and can be found in almost all cultures and continents. Historically, slavery was the form that most conquistadors used to dominate people years ago. The conquistadors sold and kidnapped humans to do the physical work for them. In Africa where the human tread persist in this days, Sudan has been facing the slavery problem since twenty century. Most slaves were initially captured in wars or kidnapped in isolated raids, but some were sold into slavery trade by their parents as a means of surviving extreme conditions. However, Sudan slavery is unique though it was not based on any of the traditional reasons for enslavement. Instead, Slavery was based on a new concept because modern day. Sudan government was involved in backing and arming numerous militias in the country. They got the money by selling slave and bought more arms during the civil war. It had also found; the government has failed to enforce Sudanese laws against kidnapping, assault and forced labor. Also, religion conflicts between north and south in Sudan making the situation worse. Slavery in Sudan has been caused by these three major reasons: the impacts of internal conflicts and wars, the problems of Sudanese government actions, and the religions.
Geographically, Sudan is divided in two north and south. The north part has Arab heritage, and the south part has the African heritages. These two groups of Sudanese are also divided in their language, racial, religious, and economical positions. The division of Sudan is related with its colonial and condominium history. The roots of that were basically the two rules that Sudan had during its history: Turko- Egyptian and British- Egyptian rules. The Turko- Egyptian rule began when Arab arrived fir...

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...Koran is the bible for Muslims.
The slave trade in Sudan had been causing many deaths during the times of the civil wars; the mismanagement of the government that has on their laws and the administration of the country, and imposing of supremely extremist religions such as the Muslim religion is.

Works Cited

Jok, Madut Jok. War and Slavery in Sudan. Philadelphia: U Pennsylvania P, 2001. Print.
Holt, P.M. and M.W Daly. A History of the Sudan: from the coming of Islam to the present day. 5th. England: Pearson Education, 2000. Print.
Martin, Randolph. "Sudan's Perfect War." Foreign Affairs 81.2 (2002): 111. Academic OneFile.
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Natsios, Andrew S. Sudan, south Sudan, & Darfur: what everyone needs to know. New York:
Oxford UP, 2012. Print.
Xavier, John. In the news: Darfur African Genocide. 1st. New York: The Rosen Publishing
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