The Skills of a Great Journalist

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The stories in which journalists report, create conversations at dinner with family, or a topic at the pub with friends. Without journalism, what would we know? It is because of journalists we can know what is happening on the other side of the world, in the comfort of our living rooms. As journalists we are watchdogs for the public, we represent the absent, and answer all their questions.

Journalists over time develop their skills of spotting what will make good news. When finding my own news stories, I struggled to find stories that an audience would find interesting. When reporting news it often falls into categories (Harcup, 2009, P43). This list helped me to look at the different categories, which is considered news. However, I needed to develop my skills in finding good news. Some news isn’t always new, (Harcup, 2009, P44) and finding my own story, which wasn’t already covered, was difficult. I looked into local sources that could provide me with information, which hadn’t been released or was of interest of the press. Journalists use sources on a daily basis to help provide new stories (Harcup, 2009, P60). I felt contacting a source, such as my local council, would be provide me with a story. This decision worked out well, the council provided me with a story, which I followed up with an interview with a council member, and reported it for my original story. Looking into Leveson’s quote also, the press does become vital in discovering the stories, which need to be reported. Although some of reported just to fill space, some actually inform the public with information that could benefit themselves or whom the story is about.

In our Journalism studies we learnt what vox pops were, and put them into practice on the street...

... middle of paper ... resurfacing into the news.

Overall, in my first few months of my Journalism degree I have learnt the different attributes of becoming a journalist. In regards to Leveson’s quote, I do believe in some way we speak for those who cant speak for themselves. With the tragedies that happen over seas, and the wars over the country, I believe this is a true reflection of that quote. However, in regards to opinions on smaller matters, I believe we only hear from those we are willing to speak. I think there are many skills in journalism, which in time will develop. This for example could be, developing a nose for a good story, and improving interview techniques over time. To finish, I believe a good journalist is one who discovers a newsworthy story, yet writes it in a way that will appeal to all of the public. Not all journalists need to be tarred with the same brush.

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