Six Preamble Functions to the Constitution of the United States

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The preamble of the United States Constitution was almost an afterthought. It was not proposed or discussed on the floor of the Constitutional Convention. A delegate from Pennsylvania, Governor Morris, who drafted the final text of the Constitution, thought it up and drafted it at the last moment. The preamble helped to summarize the purpose of the Constitution. The Preamble did not, in itself, have any solid legal meaning or purpose. Preambles were not legal precedent or to be read as giving or limiting power. The preamble helped the Framers of the Constitution set the tone for the Constitution. Our Founding Fathers knew our government was not perfect, but we had a goal. We knew we could show the world the values and thoughts that are conveyed in the Constitution. The Preamble's first-mentioned purpose is, "to form a more perfect Union." A more perfect union was simply a better and stronger one than had existed before the Constitution. Madison stated in The Federalist No. 41 that "the powers proposed to be lodged in the new federal government, are as little formidable to those reserved to the individual states as they are indispensably necessary to accomplish the purposes of the union." His meaning is clear that the states of the Union hold the majority of power, but they need to work together with that power to keep and grow the United States, which will “form a more perfect Union.” The legislative branch is a part of our government that is used to help with this clause. Laws that protect and help our country grow, both domestically, and on an international level help to make us a better, stronger, and “more perfect union.” The second objective, to "establish Justice," the main idea is to "establish” justice. The... ... middle of paper ... ...improvements that help or benefit the whole of our society. General in this function means “the whole rather than to particular parts or special interests.” Congress has the ability to levy taxes to pay the debt of the United States, this is one example of promoting the general welfare. The sixth purpose of the preamble is to "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." The securing of liberty is a function of the whole Constitution which makes the establishment of our government and it’s laws. Liberty needs laws to make sense, laws are needed to keep our country and government from becoming tyrannical or stifling to the human condition. Trial by jury is an example of this function. Our court system makes certain that this is something that is available to all citizens. 771 Words

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