Single-sex Education

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Education and gender
School are considered to be the second home of a child’s life. Parents are always concerned about the academic life of their children and how school will contribute to their personality as they spend most of their time away from home which makes parents think twice about choosing the appropriate school and with the increasing of single sex education across the country makes their choice more difficult. For many years it’s been a controversial subject among parents whether their kids should enter a single or a mixed sex school. This essay focus on the reasons why single sex education is beneficial on the performance, academic and physiological levels.
Performance of girls in class is considered to be more active in an all girl environment school. Firstly it enhances the possibility that girls are taking more risk asking question in class with confidence, without being made fun of and most importantly feels more comfortable answering. Gross (2014) reason that “alleged benefits of single-sex education are that they would be learning in an environment in which they are encouraged to participate more in class and not overshadowed by confident, outspoken boy”. Secondly girls or boys in a class are able to explore more ideas and ask a variety of questions that wouldn’t be asked if the other sex was present or if there was an opposite gender teacher for example certain subject in biology will need to be taught more precisely and students may ask freely without feeling shy or being afraid that their question might be out of the box and that’s definitely makes them better learners.
Academic level of the pupil is on a continuous progress in a single sex school because there are lesser distractions. It is believed that females are better in certain subject that they would not have gotten a high grades in it if they were in a coeducational school as they are viewed as a boy’s subject and they would have felt embarrassed participating in it such as maths and computer science and the same goes for male students. While boys are likely to pursue a wide range of activity in art and music. Additionally girls or boys have fewer distraction and more focus on their studies which helps them getting higher grades. A Florida comprehensive assessment test was taken to measure the differences between the two types of education to measure the achievement in maths and literacy, Bailey (2012) argues that “ Only 59% of girls in mixed classes were scored as proficient, while 75% of girls in single-sex ones achieved proficiency.

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