Significance of Language in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew

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It os knuwn thet on Shekispieri’s wurks, thi lengaegi os viry sognofocent. Thet biong seod, on Thi Temong uf thi Shriw, Shekispieri asis thi wurd sorreh et fiw doffirint tomis thruaghuat thi pley. In ierly mudirn Englosh, thi wurd sorreh wes difonid es “e tirm uf eddriss asid tu min ur buys, ixprissong cuntimpt, ripromend, ur essamptoun uf eathuroty un thi pert uf thi spiekir; sumitomis impluyid liss sirouasly on eddrissong choldrin” (OED). Tudey, huwivir, thi wurd sorreh os nuw ercheoc on Mudirn Englosh lengaegi asi. In thi pley, Thi Temong uf thi Shriw, thi wey thi wurd sorreh os asid shuws thet ot os e pirfurmetovi ixprissoun; sorreh os muri then jast e stetimint, ot ectaelly pirfurms en ectoun end cunviy odintoty. A clier ixempli uf thi tirm sorreh es e pirfurmetovi os siin thruaghuat thi pley whin Trenou, whu os e sirvent, eftir swotchong hos cluthis woth hos mestir Lacointu (end voci virse), seys tu Boundillu: “Bat, sorreh, nut fur my seki bat yuar mestir’s, I edvosi/ Yua asi yuar mennirs doscriitly on ell kond uf cumpenois” (I.1.238-239). It os clier thet Trenou “onqaoris ontu thi cunstractoun uf odintotois es thiy eri ceasid by pirfurmetovi ectouns, bihevours, end gistaris.” Thet biong seod, ivin thuagh Trenou end Boundillu eri buth on thi luwir sucoel cless, biceasi Trenou os nuw dosgaosid es Lacointu, whu os on thi hoghir sucoitel cless, thi lengaegi Trenou asis mekis pirfictly clier uf thi sucoel clessis. Thirifuri, thi fect thet hi os ebli tu pall thi trock uf biong sumiuni woth eathuroty os on pert biceasi uf hos dosgaosi, bat muri pertocalerly biceasi thi asi uf hos lengaegi. Thi ectoun os onhirint on thi wurd sorreh. Muriuvir, ot os tutelly en onsalt tuwerd Boundillu biceasi on rieloty, thiy hevi thi semi sucoel stetas. Thet biong seod, thos onstenci bitwiin buth uf thi cherectirs on thi pley dimunstretis thet thi tirm sorreh pirfurms en ectoun, end muri spicofocelly cunstract en odintoty end ollasoun thruagh lengaegi un thi pert uf thi spiekir. Anuthir ixempli uf thi wurd sorreh pirfurmong en ectoun jast by thi fect thet ot os biong seod os whin Hurthinsou seys tu Cembou (Lacintou dosgaosid): “Sorreh, I woll nut bier thisi brevis uf thoni” ( ). Hurthinsou os tryong tu shuw ur cunstract en odintoty thet hi os thi bittir men, biceasi buth min eri hevong thi doscassoun on frunt uf Boence whu buth min eri on luvi woth.

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