Hamlet Analytical Essay

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“To be, or not to be: that is the question:/ Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer/ The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune/ Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,/ And by opposing end them?” (Hamlet, III, i, 58-62). William Shakespeare penned these powerful words relating suicide and suffering. These themes are dark and somber, but the speech remains one of the most recognizable soliloquies in theatrical work. To be able to compose such compelling monologue, the great playwright experienced crises. The epitome of William Shakespeare’s genius is most evidently seen in his tragedies, including Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear. Although Shakespeare wrote a multiplicity of comedies, his tragedies are the most acclaimed and showcase …show more content…

As the title suggests, Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, is the protagonist. Hamlet is a very complex and dynamic character that scholars have been striving to understand for centuries. Unlike other characters faced with the possibility of violence, Hamlet experiences trepidation and moral qualms about avenging the murder of his father. “Hamlet is not classifiable because he is a specific person who is made up of many different impulses and moods. It's hardly surprising to find him veering between extremes of behavior, hesitating, demanding proof, looking for the most appropriate way to carry out his task.” (Feingold 46) As with other of Shakespeare’s works, Hamlet is written in a five-act structure. In the first act, the exposition, the ruinous state of Denmark is explained and the ghost of Hamlet father calls for vengeance. In the rising action in the second act, Hamlet endeavors to uncover the truth about …show more content…

The protagonist Othello was a respected general of the armies of Venice. As with Hamlet, the name of the play is also the name of the protagonist. “Unlike other Shakespearean tragic heroes, Othello is not a prince or a king, although he is descended from "men of royal siege.” In Venice he is seen as a professional soldier, a fine and courageous one, but still a hired general.” (Adams, 33) Despite differences in race, Othello experiences a powerful romance with Desdemona, a daughter of a Venetian Senator. The five-act structure of Othello is analogous to Shakespeare’s other plays. In the exposition, Iago’s hatred of Othello is explained, as well as the details of Othello and Desdemona’s courtship. Conflicts escalate in the rising action, in which Iago initiates his plan for revenge against the protagonist. The emotional high point occurs in Act III, the climax, when Iago makes Othello believe that Desdemona is adulterous. Othello then vows to kill his spouse. The action falls in Act IV when Desdemona asserts her innocence, but Othello does not believe her. The catastrophe occurs in Act V when Othello smothers Desdemona with a pillow. Othello experiences anagnorisis when Iago’s wife proves that his wife was indeed faithful and that Iago had deceived him. This horrible realization and the threat of stripping of his command drove Othello to commit suicide. One

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