Sexting: Virtual Abuse of the Human Body

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Sexting: Virtual Abuse of the Human Body

While the increased access to technology over the recent years provides almost every consumer with new communication tools at his or her fingertips, it also leads to negative effects. “Sexting” has become extremely popular, especially among teenage consumers. This new action is said to be any sexually explicit messages or pictures between cell phones. Sexting has become so emotionally and physically dangerous that there have been cases where suicide or other self-inflicted injuries have occurred because of the spreading of these messages. The dangers of sexting have been introduced to the public but more people need to become fully aware of the dangers that can occur from the misuse of technology. The focus on the importance of beauty in today’s society has led to abuse of the human body through the act of “sexting”.

Sexting has become an even more dangerous crime because it is technically considered child pornography. Because of this, in many cases there are criminal charges pressed on those who have sent explicit messages or been the cause of another harming him or her because of a message being sent. What at first may seem to be an innocent picture or text message between two people can quickly turn into extreme embarrassment and then a dangerous situation where lives are mortified or even taken.

In just one of many instances, an 18-year-old woman in Ohio hung herself in the bedroom of her home in July 2009 after her boyfriend forwarded a nude photo she sent him to pals. The image was passed along to more and more people until hundreds of students at, at least seven area schools received it (Chiaramonte). This suicide of a girl could have been prevented had there been more enforce...

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...ogy, has led to the abuse of the human body for long enough, and will continue to do so until action is taken.

Works Cited

Bowker, Art, Sullivan, Michael. “Sexting: Risky Actions and Overreactions.” FBI Law

Enforcement Bulletin. 79.7 (2010): 27-31. Print.

Chiaramonte, Perry. "In Fight against Teen Sexting, Lawmakers Work to Avoid Turning

Kids into Criminals." Fox News. 5 Mar. 2012. Web. 15 Mar. 2012.

"The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission." Motorola Promoting "Sexting"? 10

Feb. 2010. Web. 15 Mar. 2012.

Hoffman, Jan. "A Girl's Nude Photo, and Altered Lives." The New York Times. The New

York Times, 26 Mar. 2011. Web. 27 Mar. 2012.

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, Susan B. Anthony, Matilda Joslyn Gage, and Ida Husted

Harper. "Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions." History of

Woman Suffrage. New York: Arno/New York Times, 1969. Print.

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