Severity of ADHD and Anxiety Rise if Both Develop

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ADHD and Anxiety

If someone with ADHD develops anxiety (GAD), then the severities of both are increased, because they coincide with each other making them more powerful. I choose this hypothesis for 2 reasons. One being that ADHD and anxiety are an epidemic in terms of being disorders that is very common within our world. I also have both Anxiety and ADHD along with some of the other members of my family. Over time I have noticed that people with both anxiety and ADHD think differently then those who have anxiety or ADHD. Having both seems to makes a person think, act, and perceive things very different from having one or the other to the point where it seems to be its own disorder and symptoms.

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. American Psychiatric Association has identified three subtypes of ADHD including Combined Type (Both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms), Predominantly Inattentive Type (Inattention, but not enough hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms), Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type (Hyperactivity-impulsivity, but not enough inattention symptoms). ADHD affects 8-10% of school-aged children. Research indicates the frontal lobe (basal ganglia, caudate nucleus, cerebellum, and other areas) plays a significant role in ADHD because they are involved in complex processes that regulate behavior. These higher order processes are often called executive functions. Executive functions include processes like inhibition, working memory, planning, self-monitoring, verbal regulation, motor control, maintaining, and changing mental set and emotional regulation. A person with ADHD often feels like they have information bouncing around in the brain. There are many different things poppin...

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...hen the severities of both are increased, because they coincide with each other making them more powerful. Throughout this paper I have proven my hypothesis over and over again. I have also found a lot of other key parts that have sort of helped my hypothesis. First From the PubMed studies I’ve found that the dual disorder can run though the family. I also found that developing an ADHD disorder triggers anxiety levels to get out of balance and become a disorder within themselves. Last, I found that these 2 disorders produce symptoms in terms of compulsiveness and worrying that are unlike either disorder by itself. Together all these prove that anxiety and ADHD together increase ones symptoms to levels unlike before and it can be passed within the family and if just ADHD is passed at first watch out because there could be an anxiety disorder developing soon after.

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