Service Encounters at Hair Salons

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I have recorded my personal experience of my service encounters in selected hair salon. Based on my experience and judgment as a customer, I found the service encounters didn’t entirely meet my expectations. However, there are a few problems I encountered that were dissatisfying which will be discuss further. Service marketing involves many theories and model to be taken into account to maximize the firm’s profits. This process involves both sides from the firm and also the consumers. In this case, the service from the salon will be evaluated from the servicescapes, blueprinting, relationship development with customers, customer’s expectations and demand managing.
Servicescapes is one of the elements that are potential influence to consumer behavior. Servicescape is the environment in which the service is assembled and in which the employee and customer interact, combined with tangible commodities that aid the performance and communication of the service (Bitner, 1992). Servicescape refers to the environments in which services are delivered and where the firm and customer interact. It is important to create an environment that portraying the kind of service to be served and to find a good way to present it. It is most importantly to build a pleasant environment. Kim (2005) explained developing environments that appeal to consumer pleasure and arousal states while avoiding atmospheres that create submissiveness increase buying potential of the customers. Referring the hair salon, the environment is plain and less appealing. Lacks of creativity on the interior design with simple decorations create a bad impression of customers. The colour of the wall should be warm and refreshing since customers expected to have fresh and new look....

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...ce. This may also to understand what the customers are desired for according to their preferences. Salon management should pinpoint the problematic stages and to consider preventive measures in coming future. A good relationship between providers and customers can be beneficial. Customers can also be more accommodating, more tolerant, forgiving of mistakes and willing to give feedback and insights into unfulfilled needs (Leuthesser, 1997). With positive relationships with customers, they tend to keep visiting the salon to experience another good service of it and this may of course create loyalty among customers. Loyal customers are associated with larger and more frequent purchases and they generate positive word of mouth (Diller, 2000). Therefore, the quality and strength of customer relationships is seen as vital to the survival and profitability of any service.

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