Septic Tank and Sewer System Analysis in Nobelton, King City, Ontario, Canada

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The community that is focused on this report is called Nobelton and it’s situated within King City at the intersection of Highway 27 & King Road. The sewer services were provided through on-site septic tanks in this community. The purpose of this report is to propose a well-designed sanitary system instead of the septic tanks for the distribution of sewer services at Wellington Street conduct an assessment of possibility of connecting it to existing sanitary systems on Ellis Avenue. Ellis Avenue already has an existing sewer system and the trunk, which has enough capacity to withhold new sewer system connection. The proposal was proposed due to the problems such as septic tank leakage, sanitary system reliability amongst subdivisions and due to the effects that are cause by septic tanks when placed on an environment.
When developing a subdivision, execution of sanitary sewer systems is a critical component. This new sanitary system is to be implemented in Nobelton where the subdivisions have a septic tank and do not contain proper sewer systems. Due to the increase in number of dwelling units in the area, a well-designed sanitary system is required to avoid the septic tank failures. By designing a new well-designed sanitary system instead of on-site septic tanks will help in eliminating the environmental problems such as the leakage of sewer contents into the surroundings as a result of failure and aging of septic of septic tanks. Septic tanks also considered as an outdated technology that is no longer effective due to modern technology and its high cost and difficulties of maintenance.

1.1 Back ground
King City is presently overhauled with septic tanks for sewer services purposes. The proposal is to repl...

... middle of paper ...

...-family 1.3 - 1.7
Commercial/industrial 1.7 - 3.0
Apartment 3.0 - 7.0
Source: King city specifications

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