Sentence Skill Development

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Learning Team Assignment

Sentence Skill Development

Listed below are the seven basic parts of speech accompanied with a description of its use and how they are commonly misused. The list is as follows:

NOUN - A person, place or thing. A noun can be misused when using a plural form of the word, such as mouse and mice. Some nouns do not become plural by simply adding (s) or (es).

PRONOUN – Replaces a noun in a sentence. A common misuse is when the pronoun and verb do not agree. Incorrect: They rides the bus. Correct: They ride the bus.

VERB – An action or a state of being.

Used as an action correctly: The dog ran away.

Used as an action incorrectly: The dog run away.

Used as a state of being correctly: I am well today.

Used as a state of being incorrectly: I is well today.

ADJECTIVE – Describing a noun. The big dog barked. Overuse can be its misuse, making your sentence too long, repetitive and boring. The big, smelly, hairy and ugly dog barked.

ADVERB – Describes a verb. The big dog barked loudly. Loudly describes how the dog barked. Adverbs usually end in “ly”. The dog barked loud; insufficiently describes how the dog barked.

PREPOSITION – A word that links nouns, pronouns and phrases together in a sentence, expressing relationship such as direction, location and time. Examples are: to, from, about, with and after. After several hours, the class finally came to an end. Misusing a preposition is really just using too many words to say them same thing. Incorrect: Inside of the classroom, the students were taking notes. Correct: Inside the classroom, the students were taking notes. Try to avoid using the word of unnecessarily.

CONJUNCTION – A linking word,...

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...solutely! It is especially so in the corporate world, where your grammar and word skills are extremely important. There are blue collar workers who are highly skilled in their trade but lack the required academic education in order for them to advance to a higher level position.

The strategies that can be used to ensure you will not make mistakes such as wrong word usage, is to be sure what it is you want to get across to your reader. Reading your work aloud can help you hear if something is not quite right. Using a dictionary and a thesaurus can aid you in the correct spellings and usage of the words you choose. After making these corrections, re-reading your work will help you see and hear how it should be. A trained ear and eye can help you better detect any possible errors that need to be corrected and lessen the chance of making the same mistakes.

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