Security On The Internet

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Surfing the Internet we can find thousands of different Websites from Commercial, Personal, Educational, and Entertainment Websites to News Websites just to mention some of them. The importance of implementing a secure line between the vendor and the client is very important, when handling delicate information such as credit card numbers when making a purchase or just by logging in our bank account on-line. Security measures need to be in place in the vendor site in order to protect our interests. Many Websites do not implement enough security procedures and people like Hackers who take advantage of these vulnerabilities by using what is called, SQL Injection. SQL Injection is an attack where the hacker uses code such as Structured Query Language. Basically, this sort of code injection the Hackers uses is a common exploit code in order to be executed on another computer. But, first the attackers makes sure that the Website he/she intents to attack in vulnerable to SQL Injection, then the attacker initiates the injection of SQL Query commands through an input form field such as the login of an account. In consequence, this allows the attacker to handle the database and even allowing him to execute and SQL command he/she wishes. One of technologies that is vulnerable against this type of attack are dynamic scrip languages such as ASP.NET 3.5 which is a very popular framework to create Website and the one we are currently using. In the article, “Preventing SQL Injection in ASP.NET” including version 3.5. In this article the author gives us a description of what a SQL Injection is and explains how the process works. The author then goes more in detail letting us know how to prevent us from being a target of this type of attack when cr...

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...vent the attack.

In conclusion, I found this article being very detailed and illustrative, since the author provided us with example code that we could use to improved our Website vulnerabilities. As a beginner Web developer using ASP.NET 3.5 platform I believe that it is important to know security measures that can be applied to a Website and allowed the content from being violated from an outside attack source. After reading this article, it has giving me a sense to protect my work when building Websites using ASP.NET 3.5. I would use functions introduced in the article to prevent code injection such as the add() methods. Finally, in my opinion, the objective of this article to educate the user to construct a more secure website has been very helpful. This article has taught me a new way to implement security procedures in my current and future Websites.

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