Secular, Ethical Lives

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Secularised ethics can be defined as “The basic principles of right action, especially with reference to a particular person, profession etc.” Christian ethics however cannot be as simply defined. Ethical values of Christians cannot be reduced to a set of rules that can be easily followed and obeyed. A definition that gives an idea of Christian Ethics can be given in this form,

“Christian Ethics is fundamentally a matter of participating in the unfolding drama of God’s creative and redemptive purposes for the world. Put otherwise, it is a matter of dwelling within the biblical story and of having one’s life shaped and formed by the love, the judgement, and the mercy of God” .

To understand the basis of the ethics that Christians live by the Biblical story must be interpreted. The Bible passes judgement on many things that Christians would come into contact with at some point in their lives. These things include cases such as; abortion, contraception, euthanasia and homosexuality. All of which are negatively referred to in the Bible. However authority today views these issues differently because they use secular ethics in conjunction with their decision making. Examples of authority include governments and work places. This is so that a good outcome may be maximized and had by most of a population, known as a Utilitarian approach. It is inevitable that a few will disagree but this number outweighs the good of the plenty. This secular schemed way of thinking can sometimes severely conflict with the ethical interpretation that is put forth in the Bible. Ultimately when Christians follow the Bible’s ethical basis they will gain the reward of their soul ascending to heaven in the afterlife. This is an incentive to follow Christian ...

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...rrect ethical and moral life. Inevitably if a Christian is a doctor and kills somebody whether through operation, euthanasia, or the like, it is still a sin and they cannot make it to heaven if they have committed sin.

Consequently we ask the question where does the idea of the Bible effecting Christian ethical decision making stop having unlimited interpretation. Interpretation can keep on being made of the biblical texts in so many different ways. A Christian living in today’s modern society who is practicing with the Bible as the role of how they base their ethical decisions has many things to consider. Mainly direct and indirect interpretation is to be had of the old and new testaments. Bringing the Bible stories and parables into context helps modern Christians to understand and live out ethically correct lives by applying it to the situation they are in.

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