Sun Microsystems Essays

  • Sun Microsystems Inc., Customer Focus Is Their Strategy

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    Sun Microsystems Inc., Customer Focus Is Their Strategy Strategic management is the ongoing process of ensuring a competitively superior fit between the organization and its ever-changing environment (Kreitner, G13). Strategic management serves as the competitive edge for the entire management process. It effectively blends strategic planning, implementation, and control. Organizations that are guided by a coherent strategic framework tend to execute even the smallest details of their mission

  • Comprehensive Problem: Sun Microsystems

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    Comprehensive Problem: Sun Microsystems Comprehensive Problem: Sun Microsystems A complete analysis conducted on the financial statements and status of Sun Microsystems exposed key issues determined to be of great import to shareholders. After examining the research findings and analysis, it seems that Sun Microsystems finances have not maintained a steady incline. In fact, it had definitely experienced some highs and lows in its return on investment and stockholders’ equity over a four- year

  • The Language of Java

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    However, they started writing the code for it four years earlier in 1990. They originally started making it to try and make a new and more practical way of computing. Originally, Java was called “Oak”, and it was being made for the Green Project in Sun Microsystems ( Using Oak, they wrote a browser called WebRunner, and later renamed it HotJava. This browser was the first browser that was dynamic, capable of having moving objects on the page, and having executable content within the page (oracle

  • Hewlett Packard Case Analysis

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    Profile). Started as a small developing software company, Oracle now is well known worldwide in software products and hardware systems. Oracle business platform focused in both R&D as well as Oracle’s acquisition strategy. In 2010, Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems and made marking the company’s entry into the hardware market. This deal entailed that Oracle would pay $7.4 billion (Montalbano, 2009). In return, this would enable Oracle to deliver complete and “integrated computer systems – from database

  • Malcolm Gladwell Outliers Quote Analysis

    784 Words  | 2 Pages

    What would happen if our world today was monotonous, sorrowful, and grey? What if no one was here to form new creations, and think of bold ideas? Would triumph have a definition? Would there be outliers in our world today? We are constantly thinking, always generating new ideas and forming new thoughts. People even proceed by creating inventions, and building objects no one would of thought would be made today. But, what we don’t perceive is how they became successful and how they took advantage

  • Java Programming Language

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    absolutely nothing for me. The pages are limited by the specifications of HTML which calls for a two-dimensional layout and a static page. I for one am looking for some new element. A new angle if you will. Something to jolt some life into The Web. Sun Microsystem's Java will bring a new interactive element to the Web. It is designed to enhance the browsing experience and take us into the next generation of The Web. "Java is an object-oriented language that adds animation and real-time interaction

  • Outsourcing Software Jobs Overseas

    2985 Words  | 6 Pages

    Coca-Cola, for example, already outsources about 15 percent of its information technology work and plans to do even more to cut costs. The migration began in the early 1990s when some of the technology sector's heavyweights like Oracle Corp., IBM, Sun Microsystems, Cisco Systems Inc., and... ... middle of paper ... ...pursue offshore outsourcing if it means U.S. jobs ?" , 2003, June 6 2003, < >

  • Environmental Analysis Of Dell Organization

    1021 Words  | 3 Pages

    Environmental Analysis of Dell Organization Industry Environment Competitive Rivalry The competitors to Dell are as follows: Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and Sun Microsystems (Hoovers). HP and IBM pose the biggest threat in competition. Dell's sales overview has increased each year except for 2001 to 2004. In 2001 the annual sales in millions were $31,888 and a major increase in sales in 2004 at $41,444.0. (Hoovers). In terms of Entry Barriers, Dells direct to consumers sales approach has increased

  • The Harley Davidson Manner of Choosing a Software Provider

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    The Harley Davidson manner of zeroing on a software provider adopted the thorough process of weighing the offerings of the software provider in a quantitative and consistent setup. Exhibit 10 provides an overview of the factors, both quantitative and qualitative, the SiL’K team rated the providers on to aid in their selection process. The factors listed though impressive and quite thorough, lacks in three crucial factors we believe would make a deep influence in choosing a provider. They are future

  • Strak Case Study Of Unitrak

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    Introduction According to Brown, C.V., Dehayes, D.W., Hoffer, J.A., Perkins, W.C., Martin, W.E. (2011), MidSouth Chamber of Commerce (MSCC) is a member support, non-profit organization that deals with state government on behalf of local business policies. In the early 2000’s, the MSCC, became the most powerful advocacy organization for the business community under the new leadership of President Jack Wallingford. As the growing demands of members and employees were increasing, the MidSouth Chamber

  • Programming Languages

    1161 Words  | 3 Pages

    reads English-like commands in a file and than creates another file containing computer readable numeric code or commands. I will be talking about some of the major functions and uses six high-level programming languages. Java was developed by Sun MicroSystems and released in 1995. Java is based on C and C++ and incorporates many features object-oriented languages. It is a compiled language, but it’s code output is interpreted. This makes Java ideal for cross-development. The downside to its interpreted

  • The Hardware and Software of an Office

    616 Words  | 2 Pages

    Offices require lots of different equipment, like computers, printers, routers, switches, and cables. You also need software to get your tasks done everyday, like productivity, communication, time management, and the specific type of software for the type of office. You need all these things to make your office run more smoothly and get your work done. Computer hardware for an office consist of routers, switches, computers, servers and cables. Routers help computers share the internet line and depending

  • Impact Of Technology On Productivity And Technology

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    Increase Employee Productivity with Technology Staying ahead of the competition and increasing profits are the fundamental objectives for every organization. However, many firms today continue to invest extensively in business development activities and less on employee productivity. This mindset ignores the firm’s chief asset and its core foundation, its workforce. The fact is employee productivity can make or break a firm, and a firm staffed with underperforming employees will inevitably fail

  • Creating an e-commerce site

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    If you're a techie entrepreneur creating a big e-commerce site, you may decide to buy a high-end Unix box to accommodate the volume and processing demands your bean-counters have projected for you. You'd run Sun Microsystem's Solaris software on it to power your Web server and e-commerce applications. Or, you could opt to save a little venture capital and run Linus Torvalds' free operating system (and its accompanying free server apps) on a cluster of commodity Intel PCs. The Linux OS is well-suited

  • Java and JavaScript

    1331 Words  | 3 Pages

    Java was introduced into the world, and along with Netscape it would be the new way for Internet users to access this new information superhighway. But before it got to this point, Java technology was developed almost by accident. Back in 1991, Sun Microsystems was looking into the future in anticipation of the future of computing, and they tasked a team that became know as the “Green Project”. Their main focus was to come up with a plan for the future of computing, but what they came out with was something

  • Managing a Global Team: Greg James at Sun Microsystems, Inc.

    1279 Words  | 3 Pages

    Question 3 - What role did the "Open Work" environment play in the case? Open Work helped Sun to reduce the operating cost, increase employee satisfaction and maintain a strong productivity. The program utilized the tools, technologies and support to enable employees to work from anywhere, anytime. Despite these significant advantages there are a few limitations and disadvantages of this scheme. Sun had a suitability assessment for employees willing to participate in the program. This expressed

  • Ted Hughes' 'The Jaguar'

    2425 Words  | 5 Pages

    others in the way that it views its life. The poem depicts the jaguar as powerful, but in what way? The first line of Ted Hughes’ poem the jaguar is: “The apes yawn and adore their fleas in the sun.” From the very first three words it is clear that the apes are tired, and the fact that they are in the sun adds to the sleepy air. I think this line was deliberately chosen to begin to convey the monotonous lull of everyday life in the zoo and set a drowsy mood. They are “adoring” their fleas, which

  • Use of Symbols and Symbolism in Steinbeck's Flight

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    direction.  Direction is used to represent positive or negative effects.  North and East are generally "good" directions.  Many people feel this came about when the early man saw the sun rise in the East.  On the contrary, the directions South and West are generally "bad" directions.  Basically this is because the sun sets in the West.  Besides compass directions, height is also a very popular way of foreshadowing the conclusion of the story.  The direction up, which is also the way to heaven is generally

  • Free College Essays - The Sun Motif in The Stranger by Albert Camus

    574 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Sun Motif in The Stranger Many artists, authors, and composers have put the beauty and warmth of the sun in their work. The Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh created landscapes that expressed his joy with bright sunshine. The American poet Emily Dickinson wrote a poem called "The Sun," in which she described the rising and setting of the sun. The Russian composer Nicholas Rimsky-Korsakov included a beautiful song, "Hymn to the Sun," in his opera The Golden Cockerel. Uniquely, Camus' usage of

  • Dark Images and Imagery in Shakespeare's Macbeth

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    in darkness, because the sun did not rise. "Is ‘t the night’s predominance or the day’s shame that darkness does the face of the earth entomb when living light should kiss it?" (2:4, 10-12) Ross said these words referring to the unusual darkness of the day. He wondered if the night had become stronger than the day, and overcome it, so that the sun could no longer shine. He mused that it seemed as though the earth was shrouded with the darkness, when the light of the sun that brings life should have