South Pole Essays

  • The South Pole, a comparison essay

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    An arid tundra; temperatures so cold that limbs become black and immobile, land so barren that hardly anything can survive, this is the South Pole. Why anyone would want to go there may be hard to understand. Traveling to the South Pole isn’t just a lengthy process and an uncomfortable experience, it is extremely dangerous as going to far south provides several life threatening conditions. To survive in such cold conditions one would need specially made clothing designed for such extremely cold climate

  • The Antarctic Race: An Analysis of Amundsen and Scott’s Use of Technology in their Expeditions to the South Pole.

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    Roald Amundsen was the first man to reach both poles – a very significant achievement considering the technology and knowledge available at the time. There are many aspects that both parties had to consider in preparing for the journey – an analysis of the weather conditions, land, soil type, flora and faunae, and route to be taken, as well as the logistics involved in packing necessary clothing, food, scientific and navigational equipment, and what to pack this on to – since the type of transportation

  • Essay On Magnetic Field

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    The Earth’s magnetic field is a major component to exploring the earth. The north and the south poles have always been a guide for travelers. Using compasses, the direction of the north pole and the south pole has always been provided by the magnetic force of the magnetic field. What many people do not know though is the earth’s magnetic field provides way more than that. The magnetic field, also known as the magnetosphere, protects us from all kinds of harmful substances. Some of these substances

  • Antarctica Expedition Persuasive Essay

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    person to stand on the south pole. Scott was chosen for this task and he wanted to go on this expedition not only because he wanted to be the first but also he was a scientist ahead of his time. His purpose was to do the scintific researches on the pole. On November 19 he board the ship Terranova, he established his base camp in a hut at Cape Evans and on November 1, 1911 after a year of preparation he and his team in total of 5 men started their journey to the south pole.

  • Why Should The World Go Green

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    Why the world need to go green? The reason is the world is getting contaminated by people’s own hands. Therefore, governments are trying to change the environment by planning on using renewable energy, recycling, and eco-friendly laundry detergents. However, even though government’s effort the results were very disappointing. The problem is that people do not take this situation seriously because they think go green is unnecessary and there are not enough reasons to change. Even though they believe

  • The South Pole, The Keymost Place On Earth

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    The south pole is the southernmost point on earth and is located on Antarctica. Because Antarctica is centered on the South Pole it receives very little sunlight, and is the coldest climate on Earth. Most of the life in Antarctica is marine life, such as krill, seals, whales, and penguins. The land is so barren and unforgiving that almost nothing can indefinitely live there. Most of the humans that come to the South Pole are scientists studying the area or tourists. Unlike the North Pole which

  • Ice and Sand

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    movie talks about what would happen if the ice sheets in the north and South Pole melt, and how weather systems are changeable. It talks about the sands in the Sahara and how they blow all the way to Paris, it also states that it is largest dessert in the world. This movie is very informative about “Ice and Sand”. In the movie “Ice and sand” it talks about the polar ice caps. These ice caps are located at the north and south poles of the Earth, and take up a large potion of the earth’s water. Ice caps

  • The Physics of an Electric Motor

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    is). A magnet can be made from different materials, but loadstone is the natural form. The most important part of magnetism to make electric motors work is: A magnet has two different ends, or poles a north and a south pole. These poles behave like electric charges, like poles repel and unlike poles attract although magnets have no affect on still charges. The relationship between electricity and magnetism is that each phenomenon is that each generates a field. Electric fields can be pictured

  • The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner

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    story the boat was anchored by a kirk KIRK- church EFTSOONS - unhand me ship was sailing south because sun came up on the left side of the boat they sailed closer to the equator every day because the sun came overhead MINSTRIL - musicians the bride has started to walk down the isle and the music is playing the old man carries on there was a storm at the equator the storm drove them to the south pole the storm was very strong they went through mist and then it started to snow it became very

  • The Moon

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    some interesting effects; tides are the most obvious. The moon has no atmosphere, but there is evidence by the United States Department of Defense Clementine spacecraft shows that there maybe water ice in some deep craters near the moon's North and South Pole that are permanently shaded. Most of the moon's surface is covered with regolith, which is a mixture of fine dust and rocky debris produced by meteor impact. There are two types of terrain on the moon. One is the heavily cratered and very old highlands

  • Use of Symbolism in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

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    a complex web of representation, rather than a simple story about a sailor. The author uses the story of a sailor and his adventures to reveal aspects of life. This tale follows the Mariner and his crew as they travel between the equator and the South Pole, and then back to England. Without the symbols, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner would be simply a poem about an old mariner who is telling a story about killing a bird to a guest at a wedding. Of course, anyone who reads the poem can see that there

  • The Impact Of The Aviation Industry In The Jazz Age

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    The aviation industry in the 1920s took flight because of men and women like Charles Lindbergh, William Boing, Betty Coleman, William J. Powell, Richard Evelyn Byrd, and Raymond Orteig. Their efforts and risks helped shape the industry as well as the Jazz Age. Both Lindbergh and Amundsen are both famous for their daring feats that helped push the limits of their planes at the time and brought attention to the new industry. Boing and Orteig are also both well recognized for investing in the industry

  • Physics of Magnets

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    items like a dishwasher, DVD and VHS players, and a pager or cell phone vibrator. Magnets are all dipoles, that is they all have both a north and a south pole. No known magnetic monopoles exist. Looking at magnets from a basic point of view, opposites attract and similars repel. Magnetic field lines always move from the north pole to the south pole, we will discuss this later. Some of the major contributors to magnets are men like Hans Christian Oersted, James Clark Maxwell, William Scoresby

  • Analytical Essay on "The Fire On The Snow"

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    Douglas Stewart’s radio play, The Fire On The Snow, first performed in 1941, presents the story of Captain Falcon Robert Scott’s tragic expedition to the South Pole. In the radio play, Stewart skilfully positions the audience to accept the dominant reading of the play by showing the dominant discourse: that heroes’ nobility depends on their action and ordinary people can become heroes too. Stewart also positions the audience by using the role of the Announcer as a mask for himself to give comments

  • The Effect of Increasing Number of Turns in a Coil on an Electromagnet It Is Capable of Holding

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    there is a North and a South Pole. In the piece of iron these tiny atomic magnets line up with each other in small groups, when they do this they become domains. In a piece of iron, that is unmagnetised, the domains will all point in different directions, see diagram 1 below, the domains are shown by small arrows, the arrowhead indicates the North Pole. As all the domains are pointing in different directions there will be no true north seeking or south-seeking pole in the piece of iron as

  • Ruining Christmas

    606 Words  | 2 Pages

    Once upon a time, down in the South Pole, on the Eve of Christmas Eve, evil penguins were hard at work. This was not the work that meant getting presents together for Christmas, no this was the type of work that would ruin Christmas. These penguins are trying to ambush the North Pole! Pecky, Chubbers, and Tumtum are the head penguins in charge. They are adding magic itching powder to the hay that Santa’s reindeer will sleep in tonight. The hay is sent to penguins that will bale it and tie it. A huge

  • Environmental Pollution

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    cities with populations exceeding 50,000 have some degree of air pollution. Burning garbage in open dumps causes air pollution Scientist have discovered that over the South Pole the ozone has a high level of ozone depletion. A computer-enhanced map, taken from satellite observations of ozone levels in the atmosphere over the South Pole, shows the region of ozone depletion that has begun to appear each spring over Antarctica. ... ... middle of paper ... ...sp; I think that all kinds of environmental

  • A Study Of Magnetosomes

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    Magnetosomes are organelles found in cells that allow living organisms to have an acute sense of direction. Magnetosomes were discovered in 1975 by Richard P. Blakemore. Blakemore originally discovered magnetosomes in bacteria found in pond water after noticing that they seemed to travel in the same direction, but were not affected by light or location. He discovered that the bacteria did, however, react to magnets. The study of magnetosomes is still continued today, and magnetosomes have been found

  • Importance Of Video Planet Earth Pole To Pole

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    While watching the video “Planet Earth Pole to Pole” I have learned many things such as One hundred years ago, there were 1 billion people on earth, and now there are more than 6 billion on earth. There are still places on earth where people have yet to interfere. One of the main reasons this is so untouched by humans is because of the harsh climates in these areas. The sun controls the life on earth. If the sun’s rays are too strong things will not grow and if the sun’s rays are weak things

  • Global Warming Persuasive Essay

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    For many years we have been hearing about how the world was going to end if we do not clean up our acts and stop causing global warming. In reality, we actually are not harming the planet at all and it is all a hoax in order to help the government raise more money. They say with in an increase in CO2 and the earth’s temperature escalating we are doomed for the world to eventually go down in flames. On the contrary, the multiple unscholarly reports have been used as scare tactics when we actually