Deterrence Essays

  • Death Penalty and Deterrence

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    Death Penalty and Deterrence Ever since the beginning of time man has committed crimes. Crimes were described as acts which go against the social and moral norms of society and people. People have learned to deal with these crimes in many different ways. One of the most used forms of dealing with crime is punishing those who commit crimes. There are numerous ways in which people have punished those who commit crimes throughout history from making the criminal pay fines to banishing them from

  • The Role of Marginal Deterrence and Its Practical Application

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    of this type need to be examined in detail. For example, these figures do not show whether the British Government has possibly ‘over spent’ on crime. Looking at figures of this type do not show the relevance of economic techniques, i.e. marginal deterrence, which was first introduced by Stigler in 1970. This paper has taken a comprehensive, but limited view on the relevance of economics and crime. Economics can have controversial ideas, and this can be expressed in terms of crime. Economic theory

  • Mario Cattaneo's Definition Of Punishment

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    inflicted with no thought to future benefit cannot be labeled punishment, etc.) and the principles of his utilitarian successors. While Cattaneo is unwilling to assert that Hobbes’s punishment theory contains all the necessary elements of a utilitarian-deterrence model, he is the first thinker to suggest that Hobbes “Opened up the road to a liberal concept of criminal law” (Cattaneo 1965,

  • capital punishment

    950 Words  | 2 Pages

    Capital Punishment and Deterrence Abstract Capitol Punishment has been around since the beginning of mankind; eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. Since then the public have debated for or against capital punishment revolving around issues of deterrence, retribution, discrimination and Irreversibility. Leaving us with the responsibility to analyze the factors surrounding capital punishment. A number of studies have also been done specifically on the deterrent effects of capital punishment

  • Do Prisons Rehabilitate?

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    conditions). Prisons have four major purposes, they are; retribution, incapacitation, deterrence and rehabilitation. Retribution means punishment for crimes against society. Prisons serve to deprive criminals of their freedom is a way of making them pay a debt to society for their crimes. Incapacitation refers to the removal of criminals from society so that they can no longer harm innocent people. Deterrence means the prevention of future crime, it is hoped that bye imprisoning a criminal, it deters

  • Capital Punishment

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    crimes, such as murder. Deterrence is the means to punish those who commit crimes as an example and to create fear in others who might want to commit a crime. The death penalty is one way we use to create fear! Most people fear death one way or another. Ernest van den Hagg, in his article “On Deterrence and the Death Penalty” mentions, “One abstains from dangerous acts because of vague, inchoate, habitual and, above all preconscious fears” (193). Without this type of deterrence what would stop criminals

  • Capital Punishment in America

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    Deterrent As justification for capital punishment, deterrence is used to suggest that executing murderers will decrease the homicide rate by causing other potential murderers not to commit murder from fear of being executed themselves and obviously the murderer who is executed will not kill again. This position may seem initially correct, and indeed, in a USA Today Poll, 68% of respondents agreed that the death penalty is an effective deterrence for crimes. However, some research suggests that rather

  • Classical Theory: The Good Son

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    then construct laws and punishments in such a way that people would understand peaceful and non-criminal actions to be in their self-interest through strategies of punishment based on deterrence(Classical 1). When it came to punishing individuals, Beccaria believed that the only purpose for punishment was for deterrence to make sure that that individual or anyone else who knew of the crime did not also commit the same crime(Bohm 14). One of the assumptions that the classical theory makes is that it

  • The Honor System or Honesty System: How Honest Are you?

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    being deterrence, or following the honor system. Deterrence is a theory based on behavioral psychology about preventing or controlling actions and behavior through fear of being punished. (Henry Farrell, 2013). Deterrence is divided into two separate categories. General deterrence is examples are made of deviants. The individual is not the focus of the behavioral change, but rather the punishment in the public eye in order to keep individuals from deviance in the future. Specific deterrence focuses

  • Dangerous Offenders Legislation

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    The new Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act (2003) In Queensland permits prisoners to be kept in prison beyond their release date where a court finds that there is a ‘high degree of probability’ that they represent a ‘serious danger to the community’. Other jurisdictions have enacted similar legislation to restrict the release of prisoners assessed to be dangerous. Do you think that dangerousness legislation of this sort is justified or unjustified? Several states across the Country have

  • Gang Prevention Essay

    675 Words  | 2 Pages

    Better Gang Prevention      The Gang Prevention and Deterrence Act was presented by Sen. Orrin Hatch and Diane Feinstein in the winter of 2003. The Act stated an increase in funding for the federal prosecutors and FBI agents needed to conduct coordinated enforcement efforts against violent gangs. There are much better alternatives than trying to pass a law that most people will never even hear about, or increasing funding for prosecutors and FBI agents. Creating new gang-prosecution


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    work the Leviathan to support their own opinions. Transforming and uplifting the case of Gregg v. Georgia into an arena for a debate of Hobbian and Kant philosophies. The majority claims that the death penalty serves two purposes, restitution and deterrence. Quoting the prior case of Fruman v. Georgia, that “The instinct for retribution is part of the nature of man and channeling that instinct in the administration of criminal justice serves an important purpose in promoting the stability of a society

  • Antigone

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    unburied and then threaten death to anyone who tries to bury him? To mean this personifies cruelty and yet I can see that maybe he had a hidden agenda in doing this. This act, instead of being used as an unjust punishment, might be seen as a tool of deterrence. I certainly wouldn't want to be killed just to bury someone else. Further on in the play, through Teiresias, I started to realize that Creon's ruling would backfire on him in a most fitting way. I don't wish death on anybody but isn't it justice

  • Pro Death Penalty Essay

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    Let us suppose that killing, as a form of punishment, is morally and universally accepted. Would it then be acceptable to issue this to some, while letting others avoid it? It is acceptable to our criminal justice system for it seems to be standard operating procedure. Many believe the death penalty based on the “Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” concept. The death penalty is improper due to the price and time of executing someone, that it isn’t a deterrent against violent crime, and how immoral

  • Deterence in International Politics

    2929 Words  | 6 Pages

    Deterrence is a theory of International relations based in Realism. Essentially, it tries to explain the situation of when two or more states threaten retaliation if attacked, in order to deter the attack. It is therefore possible to very simply state deterrence as "You hit me, I hit you." For this essay, two main questions have to be addressed, ‘Has it worked?’ and ‘Does it make sense?’ To answer these questions, I will firstly define what deterrence is, I will then examine some of the main arguments

  • Deterrence Essay

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    of deterrence – meaning that crime can be controlled by giving very harsh sentences to those who are caught, hoping that future crimes will be avoided because a would be perpetrator sees and fears what the potential punishment of following through with such an act might be. The idea that a single person’s punishment is going to keep others from committing a crime a key argument for our system of crime and punishment. This paper is going to focus on this currently failing policy of deterrence, examining

  • Specific Deterrence

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    the deterrence of punishments that range from monetary fines to imprisonment. The two types of deterrence, general and specific, protect individuals and society as a whole from the repercussions of crime by laws that state the punitive consequences of criminal activity. A general deterrence is when the public learns of an individual punishment due to offences committed, resulting in the public’s reluctance to commit crime, because of the consequences of legal punishment. Specific deterrence refers

  • Deterrence Essay

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    a person will make a choice or take an action based on the possible outcomes or consequences. Combining the notions of decision making with criminal behavior, one would find that a path has been made to the idea of deterrence. Kubrin, Stucky, and Krohn (2009) explain that deterrence encompasses the ideas that an individual will weigh his or her options in reference to a criminal act and will make a choice based on the perceived risks. Those perceived risks are consequences or fears of being punished

  • The Deterrence Doctrine

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    There is an ongoing debate on the effectiveness of the deterrence doctrine. The deterrence doctrine is dated back to its origins in the 18th century, known to be the Age of Enlightenment. During the 1700s to 1800s, the Classical School of Criminology became the focal point as it commenced to force attention on the “cruel” justice system. The two most influential scholars who have elaborated along the idea of deterrence are Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham. Beccaria, known as the father of classical

  • Deterrence Theory

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    several aspects within deterrence that are important to understand when discussing the theories of deterrence and labeling. According to the deterrence theory, there are two different classifications of deterrence—specific and general. First, specific deterrence is defined as apprehending an offender and punishing him or her which will refrain them from repeating crimes if they are caught and punished by the criminal justice system (Akers and Sellers, 16). Secondly, general deterrence is defined as the