Corporate Scandals Essays

  • Ethical Lessons Learned from Corporate Scandals

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    Ethical Lessons Learned from Corporate Scandals Ethics is about behavior and in the face of dilemma; it is about doing the right thing. Ideally, managerial leaders and their people will act ethically as a result of their internalized virtuous core values. The Enron scandal is the most significant corporate collapse in the United States and it demonstrates the need for significant reforms in accounting and corporate governance in the United States. It is also a call for a close look at the

  • Enron Scandal: A Study in Corporate Fraud

    774 Words  | 2 Pages

    would avoid engaging in any sort of business that would put its reputation in jeopardy. Nevertheless, many organisations find their credibility destroyed due to practices that are harmful and illegal, which could land a CEO’s in prison. The Enron Scandal, which unrolled in October 2001, lead to the bankruptcy of the Enron Corporation, an American energy company based in Houston, Texas, and the de facto dissolution of Arthur Andersen, a large audit and accountancy partnership firm. The Organisation

  • Corporate Scandals: How Greed Consumed The American Dream

    1945 Words  | 4 Pages

    More and more corporate scandals are happening in America. Why have these scandals just shown up in recent years? What causes these corporations to lie and be deceitful towards investors? Though once seen as legitimate, fair, honest, and respectable, corporations have arrived at a stage of greed and deception. This can be explained by a number of factors such as how the stock market works, the stock market boom, changing company practices, CEO benefits, and specific company examples. Public companies

  • Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2004

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    Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was signed into law on July 30, 2002 by President Bush. The new law came after major corporate scandals involving Enron, Arthur Anderson, WorldCom. Its goals are to protect investors by improving accuracy of and reliability of corporate disclosures and to restore investor confidence. The law is considered the most important change in securities and corporate law since the New Deal. The act is named after Senator Paul Sarbanes of Maryland and Representative Michael Oxley

  • Scandal In Corporate America: An Ethical, Not A Legal, Problem

    924 Words  | 2 Pages

    Are businesses in corporate America making it harder for the American public to trust them with all the recent scandals going on? Corruptions are everywhere and especially in businesses, but are these legal or are they ethical problems corporate America has? Bruce Frohnen, Leo Clarke, and Jeffrey L. Seglin believe it may just be a little bit of both. Frohnen and Clarke represent their belief that the scandals in corporate America are ethical problems. On the other hand, Jeffrey L. Seglin argues

  • Business Ethics in Today's Corporate World

    2971 Words  | 6 Pages

    Business Ethics in Today's Corporate World Business ethics is part of today’s society whether you like it or not. There are many things happening in today’s corporate world that needs to be opinioned. Are ethical judgments merely a matter of personal opinion? Yes because we live in a free society I think that most ethical judgments are based on a matter of what you believe in. Everyone has the right to think differently. There will also be similarities and differences in your ethical point

  • William Wells Brown and the Jefferson and Hemings Scandal

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    William Wells Brown and the Jefferson and Hemings Scandal William Wells Brown wrote Clotel or The President's Daughter, a (fiction) novel based on the rumors surrounding Thomas Jefferson's affair with Sally Hemings, his slave. Brown learned of the scandal while working in several antislavery activities following his escape from slavery in 1834. Brown wanted not only to improve the social status of blacks and to support abolition through his writing, but also to encourage his readers to "develop

  • The Rise and Fall of Newspapers

    1152 Words  | 3 Pages

    Julius Caesar wanted to inform the public of Rome about important social and political happenings throughout the cities. The first newspaper Acta Diurna was created and put in the bath house to provide the people with such information as government scandals, military campaigns, and executions. The next great leap in the newspaper industry was the invention of the moveable metal type by Johann Gutenberg in 1447. This was the first version of the printing press and allowed the production of hundred to

  • Scandals

    662 Words  | 2 Pages

    Contemporary society is always portrayed as a civilized society, in which the sense of democracy has come to woven throughout the fabric of our lives. Thanks to the mass media, the public has become more informed about what is happening in the world, from the political field such as the state and national government to the business area such as the international stock market. At the same time, people are paying more attention to the leaders. Some insist that since the major mission of the leaders

  • James Baldwin's Sonny's Blues

    533 Words  | 2 Pages

    "Sonny's Blues" takes place during the mid-20th century, probably during the early 1950s. The action of the story occurs prior to the gains made by the Civil Rights Movement, during the dark days of segregation and supposedly "separate but equal" accommodations in public institutions. You'll notice that the narrator and Sonny have grown up in predominately black and poor neighborhood of Harlem, the sons of a working-class, embittered father whose pride and optimism have been worn down by his own

  • meat packing industry

    992 Words  | 2 Pages

    Rights and responsibilities in the meatpacking industry In the early twentieth century, at the height of the progressive movement, “Muckrakers” had uncovered many scandals and wrong doings in America, but none as big the scandals of Americas meatpacking industry. Rights and responsibilities were blatantly ignored by the industry in an attempt to turn out as much profit as possible. The meat packers did not care if poor working conditions led to sickness and death. They also did not care if the spoiled

  • Analysis Of Primary Colors

    1564 Words  | 4 Pages

    better than the masses except for one thing, the ability to play the game. Primary Colors by Anonymous portrays this fraudulent game perfectly, exhibiting all of the dark aspects of a political campaign: from the vicious media in their pursuit of scandals, to the traitorousness of opposing candidates to destroy each other, all the way to the secretive sexual interactions taking place during the campaigning process. Yet in this vice-corrupted novel, Anonymous also manages to let the human side of the

  • Truth in The Great Gatsby

    565 Words  | 2 Pages

    Truth in The Great Gatsby The Golden Age, a time when money was abundant.  Wealthy family's always demanded to impress others rather than living their own life.   How did wealth seem to develop with scandals and how would dreams contribute to destiny?  In F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby" Nick Carraway's great American dream was to controlled the truth in which he lives his life. Money is a motivating force for almost everyone, but not everyone loses sight of who they

  • Iran-Contra Scandals

    1540 Words  | 4 Pages

    Iran-Contra Scandals ”I think everyone knew we were walking a very thin line.”(Owen) Not many Americans know the truth that lies behind the Iran-Contra scandals. Most would be surprised to know about the deception of our leaders. Still today, some truth of Iran-Contra lies hidden in the conscience of the people who organized it, aided it, and went through with it. It started with good intentions, but soon was corrupted. Some may argue that we must do what we can to smother the flame of communism

  • The Final Days of the Clinton Administration

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    personal. The results of his actions were extensive, affecting many situations in the American political and judicial realms. The final days of Clinton administration may be the most controversial of a presidency that was full of tumult and plagued by scandals. Most powers in our government do not go unchecked; the power of the presidential pardon is an exception to this rule. It is explicit in the constitution that this power was meant to be held solely by the president for the purpose of forcing him

  • Iran-Contra Affair: The Diversion Scandal

    2950 Words  | 6 Pages

    Iran-Contra Affair: The Diversion Scandal Eugene Hasenfus of Marinette, Wisconsin was captured when his cargo plane suffered damaging missile blows. Hasenfus’ outdated cargo plane was knocked from the sky as a result of Nicaraguan surface to air missiles. After notifying the office of the United States Vice-President, informants in both El Salvador and Costa Rica would scramble to assess and control a seemingly uncomplicated situation. While United States officials prepared to limit their damages

  • Charlotte Haldane's The Last Great Empress of China

    610 Words  | 2 Pages

    become the heir apparent, raising her to the position of first rank concubine. Throughout the course of her life, Tzu Hsi played her cards well, continuously increasing her power. Tzu Hsi’s thirst for power caused her to be the center of several scandals over the course of her reign. It is said that she arranged the death of the Empress Consort Sakota (also known as the Tzu An) and two influential concubines whom she deemed a threat to her authority. Not being able to accomplish these deaths on

  • Use of the Mock-epic Style in The Rape of the Lock

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    with a broadening of humour, and a stab in the direction of then-popular culture: specifically, "Atalantis" (4,165) was no great enduring writing but a cheap, scandalous work of fiction, "notorious for its thinly concealed allusions to contemporary scandals", pe... ... middle of paper ... ...rder of life.") Obviously the ultimate aim of the poem is to mitigate the severity of the liberty taken in the theft of the lock (as seen in the minds of those involved in the familial dispute.) Mock epic

  • A Corporate Code of Ethics is Not Enough

    2353 Words  | 5 Pages

    After news of the scandal of Enron, one of the hottest items on e-Bay was a 64-page copy of Enron’s corporate code of ethics. One seller/former employee proclaimed it had “never been opened.” In the forward Kenneth L. Lay, CEO of Enron stated, “We want to be proud of Enron and to know that it enjoys a reputation for fairness and honesty and that it is respected (Enron 2).” For a company with such an extensive code of ethics and a CEO who seemed to want the company to be respected for that, there

  • The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Corporate Coruption

    2366 Words  | 5 Pages

    One would expect that a company that describes itself on its website as “a company that exists to benefit and refresh everyone it touches” and has been so successful for years would have a corporate culture and code of ethics that matches this image. However, a closer look at the Coca-Cola Company, its corporate culture and allegations of corruption paint a less than rosy picture of the soft drink leader. A Coca-Cola employee named Matthew Whitley made a splash when he was fired on March 26, 2003