Scriptural Coverage: Genesis 1-11

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Scriptural Coverage: Genesis 1-11

How it relates to modern western science. It is the first book in the section of the Bible known as the Torah.

Torah means Law.

It is the longest book of the five books of the Torah. Some say it may have been written while Moses was in Median.

Step One

If these chapters are viewed from the world's standpoint,

1) Totally antagonistic

2) Total agreement

3) Points of similarity

Science is a research method. It changes in light of new knowledge.

Step Two

Genesis and Modern History

-eastern and western genres differ

-Genesis 1-11 pre-history

-veiled in literary genre

Veiled in historical drama like history of Revelation.

-a historically-based religion

-stands or falls on its historical events

Some events are beyond our comprehension, but they are communicated in a way that is relatable. This is known as accommodation.

Step Three

There are parallels of chapters found in 1-3, and 6-9 from Mesopotamian sources. The similarities include the following:



-story line

It must be understood that Biblical monotheism is unique. What is also unique in reading the Bible is the dignity of humanity.

Step Four

Dangers of Approaching Genesis as just literature

This view leads to mythological interpretation causing it to be seen as non-historical.

Genesis—God has delivered a self-revelation using human language, analogies, negations. It is true and trustworthy, but it is not exhaustive. Remember what Paul wrote, "we see through a glass darkly." We are reading about an Infinite God with a finite human mind.

We are also introduced to the doctrine of Sin. The understanding of the introduction of universal sin is revealed. This shows the follow...

... middle of paper ... view of this book. They are God's orderly creation with a climax in the blessing of man. The second thing is the disintegrating work of sin with two great curses:

1. The Flood

2. Dispersion of Babel

1) God's plan to bring perfect order from beginning of known time.

2) Great need of God's intervention to provide the solution for the corrupt human race.

3) It is the revelation of God choosing one man through which one nation would represent God to the world. It continues to represent God among nations today.

4) Serves as the introduction to the Bible's theocratic rule over all creation. The origins of the founding of theocracy. The Promised Blessing included the land.

The word "generation(s) introduces a new section within the context of Genesis. Note the following natural divisions.

Heaven and earth



Sons of Noah



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