The Water Scarcity Issue in Developing Countries

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An immerging issue is the one that has appeared in the past few years. Water shortage is not something most people in developed countries think about. People in developed countries use thousands of gallons of water every day and do not even stop to think about it. This is because it is cheap and readily available. This is a completely different story in developing countries where the people there have to walk miles on end to get a pale of water. The people in these unfortunate countries use very little water every day because to them water is sacred. The truth is not having enough clean freshwater is one of those issues that has now become a real problem not just in developing countries but super powers, such as the United States of America.

Description/ History: Water scarcity is both a natural and a human-made phenomenon. There is enough freshwater on the planet for seven billion people but it is distributed unevenly and too much of it is wasted, polluted and unsustainably managed. (United Nations). To reiterate water scarcity or water shortages have always been a problem but in the resent years more of them have been appearing in certain locations and the water shortages have gotten worse. Populations that live in deserts such as the in habitants of the Sahara and the Mojave are facing the worst droughts ever recorded. It isn’t just the people who are living in the desert that are feeling water stress but just about anywhere that has a large population. The Great Plains in the United States is about to face a crisis because the Ogallala aquifer it being used up at an alarming rate. Within twenty five years, if it is continued to be used at the current rate, it will gone which will devastate the six state...

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