Saint Dominic Guzman of the Dominican Order, Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Thomas Aquinas

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The importance of new religious orders that spread new ideas and customs of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries are as significant today as it was in the early history of Christianity. For Christians to look beyond the realm of what is great and informative of the early teachings there were three philosophers and theologians of that time. To discuss those three men of God, their ideas and knowledge were a great insight to a new and fresh tradition among their followers and congregations. These new orders instituted by Saint Francis and Saint Dominic and their emulators maintained and propagated the faith among the souls of men and the social intuitions throughout the empire. These perceptive directions of work redeeming Christian captives were also produced in Saint Thomas Aquinas’s “Summa Theologica”. He was the prince of Christian doctors and moralists, whom faith considers as the most faithful interpreter of Catholic traditions and inspired by Aristotle. Saint Dominic and the Dominicans, Saint Frances of Assisi and the Franciscans and Saint Thomas Aquinas and Thomism all played a significant role of early Christianity. Saint Dominic was born in Calaruga, Old Castile, Spain, the Son of Felix Guzman and Blessed Joan of Aza. He studied at the University of Palencia, where he was ordained. Saint Dominic was a man of God that gave praises to him all the time. He abstained from meat and observed stated fasts and periods of silence. He often did not wear sandals and wore the littlest of clothing, as the way of the life Dominic bestowed on others, was the first himself to follow. He never had a bed, usually sleeping on the side of the road. Saint Dominic founded an institute for women at Prouille in Albigensian territor... ... middle of paper ... ...defining moment in theology of the Medieval West. These three men of God, Saint Dominic Guzman of the Dominican Order, Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Thomas Aquinas had and have a very significant value over the early years of Christianity. Without these great men and their ideas of spreading the word and living without worldly possessions, it is very possible that Christianity and Catholicism would be different than it is today. It is easy to say that these three men lead their lives by example. They stood by their moral beliefs and lived very humbly. It was a different time back than when these Saints roamed the countryside and preached and prayed. It is now all of importance of the Christian faith to live by and study this theology. As Christians during the thirteenth century all the way through to present time, Christianity is the hope of the world.

More about Saint Dominic Guzman of the Dominican Order, Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Thomas Aquinas

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