Sacrifice as an Expression of Religion

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The greatest expression of one's religion and worship is found in sacrifice. Sacrifice is defined as "man's intimate relationship with Almighty God (Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia, 786)." Sacrifice in the Old Testament was the most important act a man could perform to show his love for God. Sacrifice consists of this, that man must take an important part of his life, such as an animals, or food, and offer it as a gift to God and at the same time make it a victim in place of himself to acknowledge God's absolute majesty (Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia 786). Man gives a fraction of his personal goods to God in a sacrifice. This surrender of his property occurs when the gift is removed from its future usefulness to him. In a word, sacrifices served to make man show his love and loyalty to God (Dictionary of the Bible, 755).

The Old Testament has two different types of sacrifices, bloody and unbloody. Unbloody sacrifices consisted of any type of garden produce, such as grain, fruit, wine, and oils. Bloody sacrifices consisted of animals, such as sheep, goats, and cattle. Sacrifices could be either male or female. However some special occasions require it to be one or the other. Normally herd animals had to be at least 8 years old to be accepted for sacrifice. The sacrifice had to be perfect, it could have no blemishes and show no weaknesses. Any animal that could not be eaten as food was not suitable for sacrifice. Humans were not accepted as sacrifice and sacrificing them was forbidden by the law with the most severe punishment. Every sacrifice required a certain ritual that must be performed (Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia, 787).

Rituals for the bloody sacrifices consisted of five principle actions. First the offer...

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... The meal offerings were held in the court by the high priest twice a day, for himself and the entire priesthood.

Sacrifices have many different rules and regulations. There is a different type of sacrifice for any circumstance or reason. Sacrificing living creatures and growing food has always been an ancient ritual that many other religions follow, along with Christianity. Even though Christians today do not have the same rules as ancient Christians when it comes to sacrificing, they still offer sacrifices. However they are not living creatures but normally wine and oils.

Works Cited

John Steinmueller, Kathryn Sullivan, Athanasius Miller. Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia: Old Testament. NYC, New York. Joseph F. Wagner Inc.

McKenzie, John L. Dictionary of the Bible. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Bruce Publishing Company 1965

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