The Transformation of Russia's Government

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Transformation is one of the things that makes Russia incredibly diverse and interesting. Russia is known for beautiful architecture, strong military background, multiple changes of government and many other things. China, Finland, North Korea and Mongolia are some of the fourteen countries that border Russia. Russia is the largest country in the world and the United States of America would have to almost double in size in order to match Russia.

Russia covers an area of 17,075,200 square kilometers, 79,400 square kilometers of the overall area is water. The terrain of Russia is incredibly expansive and diverse. The easiest possible way to describe terrain is a broad plain with low hills west of the Ural Mountains. There are higher elevation areas and mountains along the southern border regions with a vast series of coniferous forests and huge tundra covers a large portion of the country. The highest point in Russia is Gora El’brus, which is a mountain that stands at 5,633 meters tall. Siberia is the name of the area within Russia that is the barren tundra. Siberia is a desert of snow and ice and it extends into the Arctic Circle. The populations in Russia do not live within the area of Siberia due to the extreme climate conditions. (Rosenburg)

The climate conditions in Russia vary depending on where you are in the country. A lot of the country has measureable humidity. (Rosenburg) Through the Siberian Tundra, the climate is very frigid and does not change much through the year, whereas winter along the Black Sea is just mildly cool. Summer can be very warm through some of Russia, but summer stays very frigid in Siberia.

Russian is the name by which the population of Russia goes. 141.9 million peop...

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...leaders and hardships. Some leaders even caused the death of large portions of the population. Other leaders saved Russia. Just like any country’s history, Russia has a lot of history to tell about.

Russia is known for beautiful architecture, strong military background, multiple changes to government and many other things. The history of Russia dates back to Paleolithic times. Since then, other notable leaders have come and gone. I did not cover Ivan the Terrible, Alexander the Great or go very in depth about Peter the Great. These were very important people to the changes of Russian history. The most significant changes, in my opinion, have been in the last century. All stated, Russia is a fascinating culture and country with an amazing history. Many empires around the world have come and gone. Russia is still here and that says a great deal.

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