The Roman and Han Empires

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The Han and Roman were similar, and different in ideas, techniques, and technological advances. The attitudes and responses shown towards technological advances, were the sought and need in hopes of empire longevity, praise and self-glorifying of successes that arise from technological advancements benefits, and anger and desperation out of labor disputes and social decline due to political corruption in technological manufacturing,

State building of both empires led to an attitude and response of a need and want for the empires longevity. In Han a government official wrote to local officials of concerns over flood prevention, “I request that you establish water conservation offices in each district and staff them with people who are experienced in the ways of the water” (Doc 1) The use of the word request and having water conservation sought after, resembles the attitude the Han had over their technological advancements that involved a whole state. This attitude may also arise as Confucius beliefs of the Han at the time, dealt with the benefit of the group not the individual explaining why such large group based protects where sought after. In Rome a Roman citizen and high ranking official describes a Roman political leader, “He was especially nervous about road building, paying attention to utility, as well as grace and beauty.” (Doc 6) The attitude towards this technology advancement being wanted and sought after was brought out as typically Romans did not value, and pay attention to technology as much as the Han, however this disproves thus idea whereas attention to detail is present it was truly wanted.

The benefits of technological advances and its successes of both empires brought about an attitude of praise and self-g...

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...ected by this who were the laborers.

All these documents are either written or spoken by an upper-class citizen or government official, which allows for a one sided bias argument. In order for bias to not be present the introduction for additional documents in forms of personal diaries, or complaints of the un-justice of the government and its use of technology. Attitudes from documents of lower class citizens such as laborers could allow for unbiased argument, as they are the ones who use such technological advances. Also women, who in none of these arguments were present, could allow for their attitudes and thoughts of the technological advancements to be heard, and for an unbiased argument to be made. All these additional documents could lead to a better insight in the attitudes of different people and their empire, eventually colluding to a better argument.

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