The Role Racism Plays in Death Penalty

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Imagine a man or woman standing in front of a jury accused of a crime they may or may not have committed. The jury has two decisions: either to let the defendant live or to let him or her die under the death penalty. The death penalty is a capital punishment where the person convicted of the crime is executed. The jury may use evidence in the case to determine the fate of the defendant or they could use their own racial bias. Unfortunately, more often than not the future of the defendant is fueled by racist thoughts in the process of his or her conviction. Therefore, the death penalty should be abolished because of the racism in the death penalty system.
The issue of racism and the death penalty could have been dated back to when humans first walked on the Earth. Prejudices against a certain group of people vary from religion to race. In World War II, Jewish people were discriminated against by the Nazis while in the American Civil War there was the issue of if African Americans should be just as free as white men. The death penalty dated back to ancient Greece under the laws of Draco where it was used as a capital punishment for murder, treason, arson, and rape (“Capital Punishment”). Much like today, the death penalty is a capital punishment where someone has done those crimes. In America’s past however, such “death penalties” were taken place by executing African American men without even a trial. For example in 1876, white militia executed five African American men without a trail in what is known as the Hamburg Massacre and in 1882-1968 around 3,446 African American men and women are put to death for alleged crimes where they weren’t even proven guilty (“Racism Timeline”). Such events made this problem get attention and ga...

... middle of paper ... people will have to be part of a jury or get jobs having to do with criminology, racist thoughts won’t get in the way to finding the truth. With this problem however, the death penalty should be abolished because the issue is not nearly close to being solved and it may take a long time in order to solve it.

Works Cited

"Capital Punishment." Britannica School. N.p., 2014. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
"Issues of Fairness: Racial Bias and Quality of Legal Representation." Student Resources in Context. Gale, 2010. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.
Maurer, Marc. "Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System Need to Be Addressed." Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Gale, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.
"Racism Timeline." SIRS Issues Reasearcher. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.
Whitehead, John W. "The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished." Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Gale, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.

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