The Role of Racism and Social Injustice in To Kill a Mockingbird

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Themes encountered in ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird.’

To Kill a Mocking Bird is a book that has been turned into a movie. The themes that are covered in this interesting book and movie ranges from racism, prejudice to social injustice which goes to show how human beings can be very cruel to fellow human beings simply because they are different from themselves. Tom Robinson’s trial further shows that in a society where the white race is seen to be superior, no other race mattered. This paper therefore is an analysis of the themes that emerge from the court proceedings of the Tom Robinson trial. It goes on to analyze how the content shapes the language used and how social identities, functions and relations are performed through language choices.

The movie ‘To kill a Mocking Bird’ is based on a novel under the same title. The story in the novel is about Scout Finch, her brother Jeremy and their widowed father Atticus who is a prominent lawyer in a little town of Alabama called Maycomb. Maycomb is suffering during the great depression but because Atticus is a prominent lawyer the family is reasonably well off compared to others in the little town of Maycomb. Life was hard and there existed a distinct social hierarchy amongst the white community in Maycomb. Slavery was a norm and the relationship that existed between the black and white was only that which could be expected in such circumstances and nothing beyond.

The white community in Maycomb is very racist. When Atticus agreed to defend Tom Robinson a black man accused of raping a white women named Mayelle ewell, his family is subjected to abuse from other children and the white community even to the extent of ruining their Christmas celebrations. However, because the Finches black...

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...r normal nor accepted. Racism

Throughout the entire novel, the use of a non-standard form of English is evident. The use of “I got something to say and then I aint gonna say no more’ by Mayelle indicates not only the class in social hierarchy that she represents but the fact that her educational background is quite limited. In fact according to the novel, Mayelle and her family are amongst the lowest and of course the poorest in the white community.

Everyone knows who the Ewells are in the community and to even think that she had the courage to accuse Tom Robinson, of raping her is unthinkable. She in fact, came up with the whole lie about Tom Robinson in order to cover her shame of tempting Tom Robinson and to indirectly raise her standard as with her current status, she is just as good as a black even with her white skin texture.

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