The Role of Heroism in Julius Cesar

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Andrew Bernstein once proclaimed “A hero has faced it all: he need not be undefeated, but he must be undaunted.” Julius Caesar was a tragic play that tests the classic hero/villain persona; these qualities are explored through the character actions of Marcus Brutus. Brutus joins a conspiracy against Caesar’s rule, and it grew to a bigger problem. These tribulations went way beyond the thoughts of any of the conspirators, and through thick and thin Brutus remained true. Brutus was a noble hero who was tested many times, and through this he was still able to maintain his honor and nobility till the end, he loved and trusted all Romans with all his heart, and his intentions were always for the better of Rome.

Brutus was hero due to his honor and nobility till the end. Brutus valued honor throughout this play, and his values are acknowledged him and many other characters. Mark Antony even mentions his valor many throughout the play especially in his speech, and his final words given over Brutus’ inert body. “This was the noblest Roman of them all. All the conspirators save only he did that they did in envy of great Caesar. He only in a general honest thought and common good to all made one of them. His life was gentle and the elements so mixed in him that nature might stand up and say to all the world “This was a man.”” (Antony Act: V) This speech was given by Antony after the death of Brutus. Through these words Antony states that of all the conspirators Brutus was the noblest and noblest. During Antony’s speech to the plebeians, he states numerous times that “Brutus is an honorable man.” Through numerous times u begin to believe that Antony’s being sarcastic. This theory is put to shame through those words given at the end. Antony...

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...Of those the only one he wronged was Caesar, and the only ones that wronged him were Cassius and Antony. “And for Mark Antony, think not of him.” (Brutus Act: II). Brutus says this to the conspirators after they say they shall kill Antony. Brutus trusted Antony through all of Cassius’ warnings. Brutus gave him guidelines to follow and then walked away trusting him to follow them. Therefore through Brutus’ trust of his enemies, he shows that he trusts his friends more. “Judge me, you gods! Wrong I mine enemies? And if not so, how should I wrong a brother” (Brutus Act: IV). These words followed Cassius’ accusation of Brutus doing him wrong. This quote explains that Brutus would barely wrong his enemies, so he couldn’t wrong Cassius. Through love and trust Brutus shows heroics and the confidence he places in others, and his actions also demonstrate for his heroism.

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