The Role of Computers in the Educational Setting

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Era of technology in this century has affected every single part of life. Computer, one part of technology developments in new century, has been integrated into school curriculum as an attempt to enhance students motivation towards learning activities. The presence of computer in educational activities leads to new situation in the process of teaching and learning that leads to the demand of computer in educational setting increases every year. It has been reported (2008) that the average number of computers in primary, secondary, and special schools in England increases every year. Number of computers in per maintained primary school showed an increase from 13.3 by 1998 became 34.3 in 2005 and it was 27 in 2006. Meanwhile, number of computers per maintained secondary school in England showed also an increase from 100.9 in 1998 became 240.5 in 2005 and it was 275 in 2006 (Department for Children, Schools, and Families). A teacher can use computer to give questions to students that leads to feedback for the students (Light and Littleton, 1999). Students get the benefits of computer in educational setting to develop their knowledge about subjects of materials. In this case, the use of computer in educational setting has given significant contributions to students' educative experience in some ways.

Firstly, students use computer as word processors for the demand of learning activity. Computer shows its role to help students in doing writing through word processors. Word processors do not only assist students to produce their writing works, but word processors may also help students in revising and editing as well as formatting and printing the written work (Norton and Sprague, 2001). Students take the benefit of word processors on...

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...ity of Newcastle. Retrieved March 27, 2009, from

Light, P. and Littleton, K. (1999). Learning with computers: Analysing productive interaction. New Fetter lane, London: Routledge.

Light, P. and Vivienne, L. (1999). Analyzing asynchronous learning interaction: Computer-mediated communicational undergraduate setting. Learning with computers: Analysing Productive Interaction, 1, 162-178. New Fetter lane, London: Routledge.

Norton, P. and Sprague, D. (2001). Technology for Teaching. United States of America: Allyn & Bacon.

Provenzo, E. F. Jr., Bret, A., & McCloskey, G. N. (1999). Computers, Curriculum, and Cultural Change. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Roblyer, M. D. (2006). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching. New Jersey, United States of America: Pearson Education, inc.

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